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Showing posts with the label decide

The Next Big Thing

Good day all I wanted to greet the new month with a bit of new information. I have been studying law specifically constitutional law and trust law.  I have a few terms for you to look up to the left of this paragraph.  Make sure you look them up in a law dictionary. The 4th Edition of Henry Campbell Black's Law dictionary or Bouvier's Law dictionary. I also suggest that you use the online Etymology Dictionary to find the true meaning of words. The reason I suggest this is that if you are to build an estate or an inheritance from your business enterprise it is also wise that you over stand how to maintain it into generational perpetuity. Look those words up also (generational & perpetuity).  There are many other facets of trust law that are necessary to maintain it through generations, but for now start here. This is what all those who have left generational wealth over the last 100 years utilize it is a tool. What is the next big thing?  It's coming time for the A

The Next Big Thing

Good day all I wanted to greet the new month with a bit of new information. I have been studying law specifically constitutional law and trust law.  I have a few terms for you to look up to the left of this paragraph.  Make sure you look them up in a law dictionary. The 4th Edition of Henry Campbell Black's Law dictionary or Bouvier's Law dictionary. I also suggest that you use the online Etymology Dictionary to find the true meaning of words. The reason I suggest this is that if you are to build an estate or an inheritance from your business enterprise it is also wise that you over stand how to maintain it into generational perpetuity. Look those words up also (generational & perpetuity).  There are many other facets of trust law that are necessary to maintain it through generations, but for now start here. This is what all those who have left generational wealth over the last 100 years utilize it is a tool. What is the next big thing?  It's coming time for the A

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett