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Showing posts from 2012

Building Confidence in You

It is the middle of the year,time for a check up. A progress report of where you are financially or where your business or career goals that you set in January are taking you. June is a busy month. Most families go on vacation. This is also a great mid-year check point or a good place to get a gauge of how you are doing or where you are going. The average person has no clue. If you think I'm making this up ask someone you know or ask yourself what's your YTD income? You will get a blank stare or you may be thinking what is DW talking about. Your YTD is your year to date income, this is the amount of money you have earned since January 1 up to today's date June 29th. That is half of the year and can give you a good estimate on what your income will be by the end of this year. You can find this information on your pay stub if you work for someone. If you are a business owner you should have a financial tool to keep track of this vital information. The majority of

Building Confidence in You

It is the middle of the year,time for a check up. A progress report of where you are financially or where your business or career goals that you set in January are taking you. June is a busy month. Most families go on vacation. This is also a great mid-year check point or a good place to get a gauge of how you are doing or where you are going. The average person has no clue. If you think I'm making this up ask someone you know or ask yourself what's your YTD income? You will get a blank stare or you may be thinking what is DW talking about. Your YTD is your year to date income, this is the amount of money you have earned since January 1 up to today's date June 29th. That is half of the year and can give you a good estimate on what your income will be by the end of this year. You can find this information on your pay stub if you work for someone. If you are a business owner you should have a financial tool to keep track of this vital information. The majority of

Memorial Day 2012

Happy Memorial Day We at DSWoodard Consulting are veterans who have proudly served our great country. We appreciate the United States of America and the freedom that comes with our citizenship. We want to thank all of the active duty service members currently maintaining our great way of life on a daily basis. These are a few photos of my Marine on her graduation day Nov 2010, she is currently serving in North Carolina, We are so proud of her. In the words of our great President Barack Obama, "God Bless America."

Memorial Day 2012

Happy Memorial Day We at DSWoodard Consulting are veterans who have proudly served our great country. We appreciate the United States of America and the freedom that comes with our citizenship. We want to thank all of the active duty service members currently maintaining our great way of life on a daily basis. These are a few photos of my Marine on her graduation day Nov 2010, she is currently serving in North Carolina, We are so proud of her. In the words of our great President Barack Obama, "God Bless America."

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

Being The Best You

Good afternoon, I am so excited about our personel development program. We at DS Woodard Consulting are changing lives for the better everyday. We love seeing the spark in someone's eye when they discover a truth they already knew, but had forgotten. You are in-charge of how your life is progressing, and any moment that you become aware that things aren't going as you planned you have the ability to make the change that is necessary for your growth. How do we become the best, first we set the goal. Goals that are not written down are just wishes, there is too much that our mind has to contend with on a daily bases to even think that we can remember what we wanted to do last month or sometimes just yesterday.

Being The Best You

Good afternoon, I am so excited about our personel development program. We at DS Woodard Consulting are changing lives for the better everyday. We love seeing the spark in someone's eye when they discover a truth they already knew, but had forgotten. You are in-charge of how your life is progressing, and any moment that you become aware that things aren't going as you planned you have the ability to make the change that is necessary for your growth. How do we become the best, first we set the goal. Goals that are not written down are just wishes, there is too much that our mind has to contend with on a daily bases to even think that we can remember what we wanted to do last month or sometimes just yesterday.

My best Year Ever!!

How will you make this your best year ever?  Start where you are.  This is easy enough.  Next, open your mind to the possibility that you can have your best year ever.  Now what to do next?  Create a plan.  It does not have to be a perfect plan, just some ideas you have about what you want to create for your life this year.   It's the end of January and the beginning of the year 2012, a perfect time to begin what ever you want starting today.    D. S. Woodard Consulting is here to help guide you.  We have a few steps to offer you that can get you started.  1.  Breath, relax, exhale.  This is your life, no one is making you do anything.  Even if you begin  something new like a business, or a new career choice, you will survive.  Until you die there is plenty of time for success and failure(errors).  You can always begin again.  Henry Ford said, " Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." 2.  Look at the things you are naturally good at doing.

My best Year Ever!!

How will you make this your best year ever?  Start where you are.  This is easy enough.  Next, open your mind to the possibility that you can have your best year ever.  Now what to do next?  Create a plan.  It does not have to be a perfect plan, just some ideas you have about what you want to create for your life this year.   It's the end of January and the beginning of the year 2012, a perfect time to begin what ever you want starting today.    D. S. Woodard Consulting is here to help guide you.  We have a few steps to offer you that can get you started.  1.  Breath, relax, exhale.  This is your life, no one is making you do anything.  Even if you begin  something new like a business, or a new career choice, you will survive.  Until you die there is plenty of time for success and failure(errors).  You can always begin again.  Henry Ford said, " Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." 2.  Look at the things you are naturally good at doing.

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett

New Year ! New You!

HAPPY 2012 EVERYONE!!  DS Woodard Consulting family has been on vacation since last month, however we are super excited about what the year 2012 has to offer for us here and your families and businesses.  This is a new year and it is always a new you.  I am always looking for the next thing.  I love change, most people don't like change, not even a little.  The challange is that things are always changing.  If we can learn to embrace the change in all aspects of our lives it will make our lives easier .  I admit that it is not the norm so most of us have been taught to fight change or complain about change, or disagree with the change.  When we realize that we don't need to be right, a major part of change is that we think things are better if they stay the same(our way the way it has always been is the right way).  If this were the case then why do we progress in age?  why do we mark time and celebrate the new day, the new month, the new year?  Why because we realize that

New Year ! New You!

HAPPY 2012 EVERYONE!!  DS Woodard Consulting family has been on vacation since last month, however we are super excited about what the year 2012 has to offer for us here and your families and businesses.  This is a new year and it is always a new you.  I am always looking for the next thing.  I love change, most people don't like change, not even a little.  The challange is that things are always changing.  If we can learn to embrace the change in all aspects of our lives it will make our lives easier .  I admit that it is not the norm so most of us have been taught to fight change or complain about change, or disagree with the change.  When we realize that we don't need to be right, a major part of change is that we think things are better if they stay the same(our way the way it has always been is the right way).  If this were the case then why do we progress in age?  why do we mark time and celebrate the new day, the new month, the new year?  Why because we realize that