It is the middle of the year,time for a check up. A progress report of where you are financially or where your business or career goals that you set in January are taking you. June is a busy month. Most families go on vacation. This is also a great mid-year check point or a good place to get a gauge of how you are doing or where you are going. The average person has no clue. If you think I'm making this up ask someone you know or ask yourself what's your YTD income? You will get a blank stare or you may be thinking what is DW talking about. Your YTD is your year to date income, this is the amount of money you have earned since January 1 up to today's date June 29th. That is half of the year and can give you a good estimate on what your income will be by the end of this year. You can find this information on your pay stub if you work for someone. If you are a business owner you should have a financial tool to keep track of this vital information. The majority of
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