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Showing posts from 2011

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a


When was the last time you updated your resume'? Does it still look like the one you created when you graduated from high school or college? Have you acquired any new skills that need to be added? If you have served in the armed forces have you included that experience? These are questions you need to ask yourself. The purpose of your resume' is to sell yourself on paper and to out shine the hundreds or thousands of other applicants applying for the same position. This seems easy enough, yet many do not take the steps necessary to be successful. Your resume' does not get you the job or opportunity, you do that, but your resume' allows the potential employer to consider you worth their time over other applicants based on what they see on paper. If you are looking to transition into a better paying job, a new or more challenging position,moving to another state, or completing military service and want to begin civilian employment you have a better chance if


When was the last time you updated your resume'? Does it still look like the one you created when you graduated from high school or college? Have you acquired any new skills that need to be added? If you have served in the armed forces have you included that experience? These are questions you need to ask yourself. The purpose of your resume' is to sell yourself on paper and to out shine the hundreds or thousands of other applicants applying for the same position. This seems easy enough, yet many do not take the steps necessary to be successful. Your resume' does not get you the job or opportunity, you do that, but your resume' allows the potential employer to consider you worth their time over other applicants based on what they see on paper. If you are looking to transition into a better paying job, a new or more challenging position,moving to another state, or completing military service and want to begin civilian employment you have a better chance if

Exposure is Everything

Exposure is everything in business. If you don't tell people what you do they will never know. Your fortune, however is in your follow up. As a business owner in 2011 what type of exposure are you getting? If you are not on the www (world wide web) you are losing thousands if not millions of potential customers, which for you as a business owner means MONEY!! Let me define a business owner: a man, woman, or person engaged in a business. A business is a person,partnership,or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing or a service; profit seeking enterprise or concern. Many people in our society fear the Internet,and the loss of their anonymity(being unknown),yet they are business owners. Believe me when I say,if you are alive in 2011,have a drivers license,have attended a school,ever applied for any type of loan , car,home,school,credit card,business, if you have a cell phone pre-paid or not,email or even have applied for a job, ecetera,ecetera you are known. When we a

Exposure is Everything

Exposure is everything in business. If you don't tell people what you do they will never know. Your fortune, however is in your follow up. As a business owner in 2011 what type of exposure are you getting? If you are not on the www (world wide web) you are losing thousands if not millions of potential customers, which for you as a business owner means MONEY!! Let me define a business owner: a man, woman, or person engaged in a business. A business is a person,partnership,or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing or a service; profit seeking enterprise or concern. Many people in our society fear the Internet,and the loss of their anonymity(being unknown),yet they are business owners. Believe me when I say,if you are alive in 2011,have a drivers license,have attended a school,ever applied for any type of loan , car,home,school,credit card,business, if you have a cell phone pre-paid or not,email or even have applied for a job, ecetera,ecetera you are known. When we a

Moving Outside your Comfort Zone

The first day of fall and the thoughts about how am I doing in this class and am I going to make it or will I pass are what's going through most students minds right now.  I know, because I have a college student and these are the things she's thinking about right now.  Well if you are a student of any kind and it's just the first full month of school and you have not received a progress report from your teacher, professor, or instructor you are at least wondering how you are doing.  Know this, if you are giving it your best, turning in your assignments on time, and taking notes in class your OK .  The grades are important however it is what you retain that really matters.   Are you able to apply what you have learned so far in order to grow to where you want to be?  That is the real purpose in learning.  Can you take what you are learning and  move in a positive direction at some point in your life?  When this school year ends and you move to the next level, will

Moving Outside your Comfort Zone

The first day of fall and the thoughts about how am I doing in this class and am I going to make it or will I pass are what's going through most students minds right now.  I know, because I have a college student and these are the things she's thinking about right now.  Well if you are a student of any kind and it's just the first full month of school and you have not received a progress report from your teacher, professor, or instructor you are at least wondering how you are doing.  Know this, if you are giving it your best, turning in your assignments on time, and taking notes in class your OK .  The grades are important however it is what you retain that really matters.   Are you able to apply what you have learned so far in order to grow to where you want to be?  That is the real purpose in learning.  Can you take what you are learning and  move in a positive direction at some point in your life?  When this school year ends and you move to the next level, will

Jobs That Are Hard to Fill -- Even in 2011 -

Jobs That Are Hard to Fill -- Even in 2011 - View the link above. This is interesting since these are position that we think are not hiring. Especially teachers, but think about it, new students are born every day so it does make sense that we will always need new teachers. I happen to know teachers who make very close to and above $100,000 yearly. It is a matter of time or tenure and how far you are willing to go in higher education, sometimes you must go beyond a BA to get the extra money. Good Luck, DS Woodard

Jobs That Are Hard to Fill -- Even in 2011 -

Jobs That Are Hard to Fill -- Even in 2011 - View the link above. This is interesting since these are position that we think are not hiring. Especially teachers, but think about it, new students are born every day so it does make sense that we will always need new teachers. I happen to know teachers who make very close to and above $100,000 yearly. It is a matter of time or tenure and how far you are willing to go in higher education, sometimes you must go beyond a BA to get the extra money. Good Luck, DS Woodard

Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith

Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith

Goal Setting is it necessary?

The 2011/2012 school year has begun, and as we are getting to know our schedules, our teachers and even meeting new friends, the time to plan or set goals for this coming year and the years to follow is now!   Many young people have a feeling of invincibility.   The world is mine and all that is with-in it is the thought that goes through our minds.  The reality is that the world is yours and there are so many different scenerios that could play out.  There is no one way to where we want to be in our life.   We only need to start to pay attention to the things that we do in our daily lives that give us joy.  These are usually the things we do best and there is always a way to create a career around that.   Those students who may have older sisters and brothers may have an idea of what happens once senior high school graduation is complete.  It seemed so easy for them, or it may have seemed very hard.   Are there any dreams that your sibling had, yet you notice that they are now ju

Goal Setting is it necessary?

The 2011/2012 school year has begun, and as we are getting to know our schedules, our teachers and even meeting new friends, the time to plan or set goals for this coming year and the years to follow is now!   Many young people have a feeling of invincibility.   The world is mine and all that is with-in it is the thought that goes through our minds.  The reality is that the world is yours and there are so many different scenerios that could play out.  There is no one way to where we want to be in our life.   We only need to start to pay attention to the things that we do in our daily lives that give us joy.  These are usually the things we do best and there is always a way to create a career around that.   Those students who may have older sisters and brothers may have an idea of what happens once senior high school graduation is complete.  It seemed so easy for them, or it may have seemed very hard.   Are there any dreams that your sibling had, yet you notice that they are now ju

our deepest fear

our deepest fear

A Few Things Parents and Their Students Should Do

Image via Wikipedia "A winning effort begins with preparation," Former head coach of the Washington Redskins, Joe Gibbs, said this and I have found this to be the truth.  My goal in this article is to give parents and their students information that can be used to prepare to win.  Henry Ford said," Before everything else getting ready is the secret of success."  Below are several things that parents and their students should do to prepare for life after the tassel has turned and becoming a responsible citizen is the next step.   First my story:  Parents have to realize that all that our young adults learn about money, saving, spending, and giving, comes from what we teach them.  Not so much of what we say, but what we do is what we teach our children.  Even if you are not that good with your money there are several books on the subject and the public library is free.  I have seen so many irresponsible adults in my careers in mortgage refinance and car sales. 

A Few Things Parents and Their Students Should Do

Image via Wikipedia "A winning effort begins with preparation," Former head coach of the Washington Redskins, Joe Gibbs, said this and I have found this to be the truth.  My goal in this article is to give parents and their students information that can be used to prepare to win.  Henry Ford said," Before everything else getting ready is the secret of success."  Below are several things that parents and their students should do to prepare for life after the tassel has turned and becoming a responsible citizen is the next step.   First my story:  Parents have to realize that all that our young adults learn about money, saving, spending, and giving, comes from what we teach them.  Not so much of what we say, but what we do is what we teach our children.  Even if you are not that good with your money there are several books on the subject and the public library is free.  I have seen so many irresponsible adults in my careers in mortgage refinance and car sales.