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Showing posts with the label DS Woodard

What Day is it?

Hello High Achievers. I am just getting to post this from yesterday, and I have a early morning meeting so the post will be coming later this evening. Make sure if you haven't started your vision board you start today.  These are some examples from our friends online. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Get going and if your done that is awesome. Make sure you place it in a place you will see it everyday. To you success, D.S. Woodard

What Day is it?

Hello High Achievers. I am just getting to post this from yesterday, and I have a early morning meeting so the post will be coming later this evening. Make sure if you haven't started your vision board you start today.  These are some examples from our friends online. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Get going and if your done that is awesome. Make sure you place it in a place you will see it everyday. To you success, D.S. Woodard

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

Good evening all, it's the end of February, I have been so busy and I can tell you that the daily list of items I attempted to keep going since day one of January 2019 have ceased to be.  The last date I kept was January 24th so I'm about a month off, but that's why you have to use a check and balance sheet of  what you're doing daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 months, 6 months, and then annually, like I state in my book Y.O.L.O . Life is such a roller coaster of events every day there is always so much to conquer that's one reason it's hard to achieve our goals. This leads me to our topic for this post, distractions. Distractions let us know we're getting closer to the goals we've set. The challenge is we have to be focused and ignore the distractions. They are hard to spot at first, but when we notice we're starting to spend too much time doing things other than completing our goals we are probably being distracted. If you find you are

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

Good evening all, it's the end of February, I have been so busy and I can tell you that the daily list of items I attempted to keep going since day one of January 2019 have ceased to be.  The last date I kept was January 24th so I'm about a month off, but that's why you have to use a check and balance sheet of  what you're doing daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 months, 6 months, and then annually, like I state in my book Y.O.L.O . Life is such a roller coaster of events every day there is always so much to conquer that's one reason it's hard to achieve our goals. This leads me to our topic for this post, distractions. Distractions let us know we're getting closer to the goals we've set. The challenge is we have to be focused and ignore the distractions. They are hard to spot at first, but when we notice we're starting to spend too much time doing things other than completing our goals we are probably being distracted. If you find you are

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Hello I hope you are enjoying your day. I have a few announcements: 1. The blog page has been updated, I hope you like the new look. 2. I will be posting on Instagram Live and Face Book Live and connecting it to this blog. This is the last day of this month and this was a very prosperous time. I trust that you all were able to takes steps that led you to a new level on your journey. As we conclude the beginning of the Autumn season which is the season of reaping what we have sown it is a great time to evaluate what you have created the last 90 days.  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the hard questions. 1. Am I doing all I can on a daily basis? 2. Do I really want the success that I say I want? 3. What am I willing to sacrifice to move forward? 4. What will I do today to make my great great grandchildren's life better? Brian Tracy is a great motivational speaker and leadership trainer.  I saw him live in D.C. a few years ago, I had his cassette tapes on Ti

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Hello I hope you are enjoying your day. I have a few announcements: 1. The blog page has been updated, I hope you like the new look. 2. I will be posting on Instagram Live and Face Book Live and connecting it to this blog. This is the last day of this month and this was a very prosperous time. I trust that you all were able to takes steps that led you to a new level on your journey. As we conclude the beginning of the Autumn season which is the season of reaping what we have sown it is a great time to evaluate what you have created the last 90 days.  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the hard questions. 1. Am I doing all I can on a daily basis? 2. Do I really want the success that I say I want? 3. What am I willing to sacrifice to move forward? 4. What will I do today to make my great great grandchildren's life better? Brian Tracy is a great motivational speaker and leadership trainer.  I saw him live in D.C. a few years ago, I had his cassette tapes on Ti

Take Time to Chill and Regroup

We made it to February, those of us from the DC metro area know what I mean. It has been extremely cold here and once we get to February we start the count down to spring.  This is a meaningful month to many for multiple reasons. I will just say that time is an adversary that waits for no man, so today is the best time to reflect on the goals you set for your business and the actual things that you have created to date as we enter the second month of 2018. I added this commercial for two reasons: 1. I thought it was so funny. 2. Imagine you are the richest person on the planet right now and you love what you do so much or you love your company that you built so much that you are engaged in a commercial even though you are not the face of your company and your having fun. This has to be why you do what ever it is that you do. You must love what you do, the service that you provide or the product you offer in order to persevere when times are rough or when things don't go

Take Time to Chill and Regroup

We made it to February, those of us from the DC metro area know what I mean. It has been extremely cold here and once we get to February we start the count down to spring.  This is a meaningful month to many for multiple reasons. I will just say that time is an adversary that waits for no man, so today is the best time to reflect on the goals you set for your business and the actual things that you have created to date as we enter the second month of 2018. I added this commercial for two reasons: 1. I thought it was so funny. 2. Imagine you are the richest person on the planet right now and you love what you do so much or you love your company that you built so much that you are engaged in a commercial even though you are not the face of your company and your having fun. This has to be why you do what ever it is that you do. You must love what you do, the service that you provide or the product you offer in order to persevere when times are rough or when things don't go

Are you Ready for your Fourth Quarter Assessment?

Good evening friends.  I trust that all is well. This image to the left of the text is what I feel like most days. Owning a business with multiple facets and working on adding to each entity is so challenging.  Often even if you have a partner in business, silent or moral support only, you always seem to be the one who wants the success by any means necessary.  It seems that you are the only one who will stay up late nights and then rise early the next morning to get to it, or maybe that's just my story.  Enough of complaining which is nothing more than making statements about something that you are unwilling to change but have the power to change.  Today's lesson on multi-tasking begins with what else, creating a list.  Easy enough.  This is the middle of week two of August what have you been able to accomplish?  How can you take advantage of the remainder of the month which gives you 20 more days?  The list should start like this: Fourth Quarter Assessment Winte

Are you Ready for your Fourth Quarter Assessment?

Good evening friends.  I trust that all is well. This image to the left of the text is what I feel like most days. Owning a business with multiple facets and working on adding to each entity is so challenging.  Often even if you have a partner in business, silent or moral support only, you always seem to be the one who wants the success by any means necessary.  It seems that you are the only one who will stay up late nights and then rise early the next morning to get to it, or maybe that's just my story.  Enough of complaining which is nothing more than making statements about something that you are unwilling to change but have the power to change.  Today's lesson on multi-tasking begins with what else, creating a list.  Easy enough.  This is the middle of week two of August what have you been able to accomplish?  How can you take advantage of the remainder of the month which gives you 20 more days?  The list should start like this: Fourth Quarter Assessment Winte

5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability. 

5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability. 

Be Like Chuck, the Great Entertainer, I dare you!

This is the best post idea I've had all month.  I was deciding what to post this week and as I viewed a website about agents in New York City this popped into the live news stream.  I stopped what, Chuck Berry died at 90, is this today I asked myself, I googled his name sure enough it was true.  I'm a fan so I immediately posted a few of his videos to twitter, then it hit me, "I dare you to do what you love and fail." That video was from 1958, and you could feel his energy, but watch this from 14 years later and tell me he did not still love what he was doing years later in 1972. This is love.  When you love what you do you are great, life is awesome and there is so much joy.  This post is an inspiration post of the highest magnitude.  There is a finite amount of time we each have and then we leave, so get on with whatever it is that you love to do, stop procrastinating.  Enjoy your journey, now in this moment.  This is my tribute to one who insp

Be Like Chuck, the Great Entertainer, I dare you!

This is the best post idea I've had all month.  I was deciding what to post this week and as I viewed a website about agents in New York City this popped into the live news stream.  I stopped what, Chuck Berry died at 90, is this today I asked myself, I googled his name sure enough it was true.  I'm a fan so I immediately posted a few of his videos to twitter, then it hit me, "I dare you to do what you love and fail." That video was from 1958, and you could feel his energy, but watch this from 14 years later and tell me he did not still love what he was doing years later in 1972. This is love.  When you love what you do you are great, life is awesome and there is so much joy.  This post is an inspiration post of the highest magnitude.  There is a finite amount of time we each have and then we leave, so get on with whatever it is that you love to do, stop procrastinating.  Enjoy your journey, now in this moment.  This is my tribute to one who insp

3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I don't lose

3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I don't lose

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested in your excu

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested in your excu