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Showing posts with the label Resume'


When was the last time you updated your resume'? Does it still look like the one you created when you graduated from high school or college? Have you acquired any new skills that need to be added? If you have served in the armed forces have you included that experience? These are questions you need to ask yourself. The purpose of your resume' is to sell yourself on paper and to out shine the hundreds or thousands of other applicants applying for the same position. This seems easy enough, yet many do not take the steps necessary to be successful. Your resume' does not get you the job or opportunity, you do that, but your resume' allows the potential employer to consider you worth their time over other applicants based on what they see on paper. If you are looking to transition into a better paying job, a new or more challenging position,moving to another state, or completing military service and want to begin civilian employment you have a better chance if


When was the last time you updated your resume'? Does it still look like the one you created when you graduated from high school or college? Have you acquired any new skills that need to be added? If you have served in the armed forces have you included that experience? These are questions you need to ask yourself. The purpose of your resume' is to sell yourself on paper and to out shine the hundreds or thousands of other applicants applying for the same position. This seems easy enough, yet many do not take the steps necessary to be successful. Your resume' does not get you the job or opportunity, you do that, but your resume' allows the potential employer to consider you worth their time over other applicants based on what they see on paper. If you are looking to transition into a better paying job, a new or more challenging position,moving to another state, or completing military service and want to begin civilian employment you have a better chance if