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Showing posts with the label Business leaders

How Can You Live Your Dream while Awake?

Hello and happy September 1st.  I am so excited for the deals to be completed this month and for all the joy to be received.  I want you to live your fullest life this month and straight into the new year of 2019.  We have to live our dreams so that we are happy, which gives us an abundance of everything. Learn, learn, earn, earn this is to be our mantra from now on.  I will be doing a training seminar this month on line and I am working to create the podcast or video blog (vlog). I want to share this video with you from Robert Kiyosaki   the creator of Rich Dad/Poor Dad .and the Cash flow Quadrant .  So the lesson this month is to stop working if it is your intention to be wealthy and leave a generational legacy which is in the good book, Proverbs 13:22 states "A good man (person) leaves an inheritance to his children's children." So get it together, focus and stop playing with the time you have been allotted.  Your days are numbered and time truly does not

How Can You Live Your Dream while Awake?

Hello and happy September 1st.  I am so excited for the deals to be completed this month and for all the joy to be received.  I want you to live your fullest life this month and straight into the new year of 2019.  We have to live our dreams so that we are happy, which gives us an abundance of everything. Learn, learn, earn, earn this is to be our mantra from now on.  I will be doing a training seminar this month on line and I am working to create the podcast or video blog (vlog). I want to share this video with you from Robert Kiyosaki   the creator of Rich Dad/Poor Dad .and the Cash flow Quadrant .  So the lesson this month is to stop working if it is your intention to be wealthy and leave a generational legacy which is in the good book, Proverbs 13:22 states "A good man (person) leaves an inheritance to his children's children." So get it together, focus and stop playing with the time you have been allotted.  Your days are numbered and time truly does not

Vacation for Clarity

Hello from paradise.  I am on the last night of my vacation and I want to tell you to vacation should be a law. I feel so wonderful and refreshed that words can not really describe. The picture to the left is how I feel. As we go into the last 30 days of summer into the fall season it is my suggestion that if you have not taken a vacation you do a quick weekend away from home, work, or your business. We went more than 800 miles from home, but it was so worth it. I am renewed, and have a new game plan and new ideas of things I want to accomplish through the end of 2018. The funny thing is there were thousands of things to do, yet I only choose to do a handful. The major thing I did was nothing, I got up late everyday except the first day. I cooked some days and we ate out some days. We stay in a resort so if you can do that or at least a hotel with a full kitchen which makes the choice easier and less expensive. There were so many activities, but I chose most of the time to just lay

Vacation for Clarity

Hello from paradise.  I am on the last night of my vacation and I want to tell you to vacation should be a law. I feel so wonderful and refreshed that words can not really describe. The picture to the left is how I feel. As we go into the last 30 days of summer into the fall season it is my suggestion that if you have not taken a vacation you do a quick weekend away from home, work, or your business. We went more than 800 miles from home, but it was so worth it. I am renewed, and have a new game plan and new ideas of things I want to accomplish through the end of 2018. The funny thing is there were thousands of things to do, yet I only choose to do a handful. The major thing I did was nothing, I got up late everyday except the first day. I cooked some days and we ate out some days. We stay in a resort so if you can do that or at least a hotel with a full kitchen which makes the choice easier and less expensive. There were so many activities, but I chose most of the time to just lay

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made any adjustments?  The w

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made any adjustments?  The w