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Showing posts with the label Motivational leader

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Hello I hope you are enjoying your day. I have a few announcements: 1. The blog page has been updated, I hope you like the new look. 2. I will be posting on Instagram Live and Face Book Live and connecting it to this blog. This is the last day of this month and this was a very prosperous time. I trust that you all were able to takes steps that led you to a new level on your journey. As we conclude the beginning of the Autumn season which is the season of reaping what we have sown it is a great time to evaluate what you have created the last 90 days.  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the hard questions. 1. Am I doing all I can on a daily basis? 2. Do I really want the success that I say I want? 3. What am I willing to sacrifice to move forward? 4. What will I do today to make my great great grandchildren's life better? Brian Tracy is a great motivational speaker and leadership trainer.  I saw him live in D.C. a few years ago, I had his cassette tapes on Ti

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Hello I hope you are enjoying your day. I have a few announcements: 1. The blog page has been updated, I hope you like the new look. 2. I will be posting on Instagram Live and Face Book Live and connecting it to this blog. This is the last day of this month and this was a very prosperous time. I trust that you all were able to takes steps that led you to a new level on your journey. As we conclude the beginning of the Autumn season which is the season of reaping what we have sown it is a great time to evaluate what you have created the last 90 days.  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the hard questions. 1. Am I doing all I can on a daily basis? 2. Do I really want the success that I say I want? 3. What am I willing to sacrifice to move forward? 4. What will I do today to make my great great grandchildren's life better? Brian Tracy is a great motivational speaker and leadership trainer.  I saw him live in D.C. a few years ago, I had his cassette tapes on Ti