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Showing posts with the label community

3 Ways to Make this your Best Year

Welcome 2017 we are deep into the 21st century and enjoying its fruits.  There are many things that you can do to create your best year, but here are 3 things that you can do this year and shine. Step One:  Learn something new.  Take a course in something you always wanted to learn, do or know.  Don't use the excuse of "I don't have any money, time or interest."  If you do there is no way you will have your best year.  Step Two: Stop believing that someone else is creating your destiny.  You are the creator of your life, based on your thoughts and beliefs.  There are many factors that control how you create.  No one is making you do anything, you are simply making choices in each moment that agree or disagree with that which you desire to be, do, or have. Step Three: Give to someone or something that will benefit others, without any thought for receiving in return.  If you don't have a cause find a cause or create a cause that benefits others.  I

3 Ways to Make this your Best Year

Welcome 2017 we are deep into the 21st century and enjoying its fruits.  There are many things that you can do to create your best year, but here are 3 things that you can do this year and shine. Step One:  Learn something new.  Take a course in something you always wanted to learn, do or know.  Don't use the excuse of "I don't have any money, time or interest."  If you do there is no way you will have your best year.  Step Two: Stop believing that someone else is creating your destiny.  You are the creator of your life, based on your thoughts and beliefs.  There are many factors that control how you create.  No one is making you do anything, you are simply making choices in each moment that agree or disagree with that which you desire to be, do, or have. Step Three: Give to someone or something that will benefit others, without any thought for receiving in return.  If you don't have a cause find a cause or create a cause that benefits others.  I

Business As Usual No More

Good morning.  I am so excited for the business growth DS Woodard Consulting is experiencing. I am also so proud of those businesses that follow the blog who I have seen grow, stretch and become awesome. It is a challenge to slow down and create this blog that I love to share free information for others building their businesses, but I do my best.  I have several new projects that are extending beyond the D.C. Metro Area.  This is the goal and should be the objective of all of you. There is no reason for your business to stay local with the internet.  I recently watched a seminar about exporting and how small businesses should become apart of this industry, which is the world GDP and contains ninety-five percent of the worlds economy, which means as big as we want to think that America is it only accounts for about five percent of the world's economy.  That information is and should be mind blowing for those of you who thought staying in the US economy was the best way to go. 

Business As Usual No More

Good morning.  I am so excited for the business growth DS Woodard Consulting is experiencing. I am also so proud of those businesses that follow the blog who I have seen grow, stretch and become awesome. It is a challenge to slow down and create this blog that I love to share free information for others building their businesses, but I do my best.  I have several new projects that are extending beyond the D.C. Metro Area.  This is the goal and should be the objective of all of you. There is no reason for your business to stay local with the internet.  I recently watched a seminar about exporting and how small businesses should become apart of this industry, which is the world GDP and contains ninety-five percent of the worlds economy, which means as big as we want to think that America is it only accounts for about five percent of the world's economy.  That information is and should be mind blowing for those of you who thought staying in the US economy was the best way to go.