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5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability. 

5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability.