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Showing posts with the label Zig Ziglar

Summer 2020 Learning to Discipline your Disappointment

It's a couple of days before the Summer Solstice.  This creates two great events.  One the longest day of the year, and two the half way mark of the year end.  2020 has been an eye-opening year.  These last few months have been a major challenge for everyone in the world.  What we have come to believe as our normal life was flipped upside down and landed on a tilted angle like the Earth during the Solstice's.  No one I know saw this coming.  The question is and always has been, what are we going to do about it?  Why do we care what others think about us?  Other people's opinion of what you are doing is their problem.  I speak with many people who are living their lives to please others.  I deal with many people who judge the lives of others.  My creed is to mind my own business.  We individually have enough issues of our own to never concern ourselves with anyone else, yet we think that others are thinking about us, or doing something to make us act or react the way

Summer 2020 Learning to Discipline your Disappointment

It's a couple of days before the Summer Solstice.  This creates two great events.  One the longest day of the year, and two the half way mark of the year end.  2020 has been an eye-opening year.  These last few months have been a major challenge for everyone in the world.  What we have come to believe as our normal life was flipped upside down and landed on a tilted angle like the Earth during the Solstice's.  No one I know saw this coming.  The question is and always has been, what are we going to do about it?  Why do we care what others think about us?  Other people's opinion of what you are doing is their problem.  I speak with many people who are living their lives to please others.  I deal with many people who judge the lives of others.  My creed is to mind my own business.  We individually have enough issues of our own to never concern ourselves with anyone else, yet we think that others are thinking about us, or doing something to make us act or react the way

Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions: Do you really care about your customers?  Do you know what their needs are?  Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have?  Do you have a value proposition? We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan. We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools. What is your value propositi

Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions: Do you really care about your customers?  Do you know what their needs are?  Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have?  Do you have a value proposition? We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan. We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools. What is your value propositi

Where are you today?

  Two different scenerios what do you think?                                                                       Good afternoon. How is your summer going? We're enjoying the weather and extra family time that comes with summer vacation, but our main objective is wealth building for the generations to follow. This takes knowledge, skills and abilities.  We study from those who have the skills and knowledge we have yet to attain.  This takes discipline, focus, and stick-to-itiveness.  (This is a word look it up) So let's see where are you, right now. Today is the only time that you have that is certain.  Today you may be at your job,working your business, or in school.  It doesn't matter where you are, it only matters what you are willing to do with the right now time you have.  If things are looking similar to the same time last year you need to ask yourself why.  The one thing that is certain is that things are always changing.  If things are not changing that only me