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Showing posts with the label Living in the Moment

Only Do What Gives you Joy!

Good Evening, this is the beginning of spring and the month is more than half past, it's time to make certain that your plan is working properly. I do an assessment of my progress every 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, but my mentor Jim Rohn suggest that we do an assessment at the end of the day each day, then again at the end of the week each week.  This is wise, because often time moves rapidly and we can get caught up in false momentum, thinking we are reaching our desired goals, only to find out it's been more than 90 days, and is quickly approaching 9 months or a complete year and you have made little progress. Let's hear what the late great Jim Rohn has to say. If you watched that you have a good idea of what to do next.  If you are doing anything but something you love, you are wasting your moments.  You are not being productive.  I love when he say's "don't wish it was easy, wish you were better, don't wish for less problems, wish for more skil

Only Do What Gives you Joy!

Good Evening, this is the beginning of spring and the month is more than half past, it's time to make certain that your plan is working properly. I do an assessment of my progress every 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, but my mentor Jim Rohn suggest that we do an assessment at the end of the day each day, then again at the end of the week each week.  This is wise, because often time moves rapidly and we can get caught up in false momentum, thinking we are reaching our desired goals, only to find out it's been more than 90 days, and is quickly approaching 9 months or a complete year and you have made little progress. Let's hear what the late great Jim Rohn has to say. If you watched that you have a good idea of what to do next.  If you are doing anything but something you love, you are wasting your moments.  You are not being productive.  I love when he say's "don't wish it was easy, wish you were better, don't wish for less problems, wish for more skil

Be Like Chuck, the Great Entertainer, I dare you!

This is the best post idea I've had all month.  I was deciding what to post this week and as I viewed a website about agents in New York City this popped into the live news stream.  I stopped what, Chuck Berry died at 90, is this today I asked myself, I googled his name sure enough it was true.  I'm a fan so I immediately posted a few of his videos to twitter, then it hit me, "I dare you to do what you love and fail." That video was from 1958, and you could feel his energy, but watch this from 14 years later and tell me he did not still love what he was doing years later in 1972. This is love.  When you love what you do you are great, life is awesome and there is so much joy.  This post is an inspiration post of the highest magnitude.  There is a finite amount of time we each have and then we leave, so get on with whatever it is that you love to do, stop procrastinating.  Enjoy your journey, now in this moment.  This is my tribute to one who insp

Be Like Chuck, the Great Entertainer, I dare you!

This is the best post idea I've had all month.  I was deciding what to post this week and as I viewed a website about agents in New York City this popped into the live news stream.  I stopped what, Chuck Berry died at 90, is this today I asked myself, I googled his name sure enough it was true.  I'm a fan so I immediately posted a few of his videos to twitter, then it hit me, "I dare you to do what you love and fail." That video was from 1958, and you could feel his energy, but watch this from 14 years later and tell me he did not still love what he was doing years later in 1972. This is love.  When you love what you do you are great, life is awesome and there is so much joy.  This post is an inspiration post of the highest magnitude.  There is a finite amount of time we each have and then we leave, so get on with whatever it is that you love to do, stop procrastinating.  Enjoy your journey, now in this moment.  This is my tribute to one who insp

Focus on February

Good evening.   The first month of this New Year has come and gone, how are you coming along with the goals and desires you have set for 2015?   This month is Black History Month and it is the shortest month of the year, so let's get focused quickly. We have added the link to the new book, "Now What?"   For your convenience .   The link for the free book will be available by this weekend. There are technical challenges with the journal so we will be giving you an awesome Leadership Training Course designed from a few of the D.S. Woodard Consulting trainings.   We appreciate all of those who are a part of this community of learning to live our dreams.      Have you made time to review the goals that you had for last year?   How many have you accomplished?   If you review your list you will be surprised at how much you have done in one year .   You will also be surprised at how much more you could get done if you were to focus. We have in the last few month

Focus on February

Good evening.   The first month of this New Year has come and gone, how are you coming along with the goals and desires you have set for 2015?   This month is Black History Month and it is the shortest month of the year, so let's get focused quickly. We have added the link to the new book, "Now What?"   For your convenience .   The link for the free book will be available by this weekend. There are technical challenges with the journal so we will be giving you an awesome Leadership Training Course designed from a few of the D.S. Woodard Consulting trainings.   We appreciate all of those who are a part of this community of learning to live our dreams.      Have you made time to review the goals that you had for last year?   How many have you accomplished?   If you review your list you will be surprised at how much you have done in one year .   You will also be surprised at how much more you could get done if you were to focus. We have in the last few month