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Showing posts from May 6, 2012

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open