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Showing posts with the label Trust Law

Business Success as We are leaving 2021!

  Greetings High Achievers.  I can't believe it's the last twenty days of the year 2021.  Time has moved rather quickly.  Many this year have faced challenge after challenge to grow despite constant shutdowns and slow re-openings.   I told you that the beginning of the year I had been studying law and it has increased my position and knowledge in an amazing way. As I have studied intensely, I have found that many people have been given the wrong information about business, money, and the truth of how this life is to be maneuvered.   It begins with the chart above in this post.  Business Mogul Robert Kiyosaki created this business diagram to give us an idea of where we are and where we should want to go.  Most people have been taught to spend their entire life journey in the "E" or "S" side of the chart and die broke, poor or with debt.   Wealthy people train their heirs to be trustees and beneficiaries.   These are terms you must begin to study.  They do not

Business Success as We are leaving 2021!

  Greetings High Achievers.  I can't believe it's the last twenty days of the year 2021.  Time has moved rather quickly.  Many this year have faced challenge after challenge to grow despite constant shutdowns and slow re-openings.   I told you that the beginning of the year I had been studying law and it has increased my position and knowledge in an amazing way. As I have studied intensely, I have found that many people have been given the wrong information about business, money, and the truth of how this life is to be maneuvered.   It begins with the chart above in this post.  Business Mogul Robert Kiyosaki created this business diagram to give us an idea of where we are and where we should want to go.  Most people have been taught to spend their entire life journey in the "E" or "S" side of the chart and die broke, poor or with debt.   Wealthy people train their heirs to be trustees and beneficiaries.   These are terms you must begin to study.  They do not

The Next Big Thing

Good day all I wanted to greet the new month with a bit of new information. I have been studying law specifically constitutional law and trust law.  I have a few terms for you to look up to the left of this paragraph.  Make sure you look them up in a law dictionary. The 4th Edition of Henry Campbell Black's Law dictionary or Bouvier's Law dictionary. I also suggest that you use the online Etymology Dictionary to find the true meaning of words. The reason I suggest this is that if you are to build an estate or an inheritance from your business enterprise it is also wise that you over stand how to maintain it into generational perpetuity. Look those words up also (generational & perpetuity).  There are many other facets of trust law that are necessary to maintain it through generations, but for now start here. This is what all those who have left generational wealth over the last 100 years utilize it is a tool. What is the next big thing?  It's coming time for the A

The Next Big Thing

Good day all I wanted to greet the new month with a bit of new information. I have been studying law specifically constitutional law and trust law.  I have a few terms for you to look up to the left of this paragraph.  Make sure you look them up in a law dictionary. The 4th Edition of Henry Campbell Black's Law dictionary or Bouvier's Law dictionary. I also suggest that you use the online Etymology Dictionary to find the true meaning of words. The reason I suggest this is that if you are to build an estate or an inheritance from your business enterprise it is also wise that you over stand how to maintain it into generational perpetuity. Look those words up also (generational & perpetuity).  There are many other facets of trust law that are necessary to maintain it through generations, but for now start here. This is what all those who have left generational wealth over the last 100 years utilize it is a tool. What is the next big thing?  It's coming time for the A