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Showing posts with the label time

Why is This Taking so Long?

Happy Sunday High Achievers.   I am so happy to speak with you once again as we press towards our goals, dreams and desires.  As I do these videos it is just like the blog post, I always have a general idea of the information I would like to convey, then I just speak or write from within my heart, so let's get to it. If you took my advice from 3 days ago you visualized yourself being this great performer, like say Beyonce' , or you saw yourself being the best motivational speaker giving a speech in front of thousands of people like Tony Robbins, or you drew a blank!!!! The last one is where most people find themselves.  I will do ten things that have nothing to do with the goal I'm trying to achieve and keep doing nothing all day until it's midnight, then I'm like I need to get this or that done, the whole day is now gone. This is what the average person does and is what keeps us achieving average goals that don't lead to family legacy.  This is the

Why is This Taking so Long?

Happy Sunday High Achievers.   I am so happy to speak with you once again as we press towards our goals, dreams and desires.  As I do these videos it is just like the blog post, I always have a general idea of the information I would like to convey, then I just speak or write from within my heart, so let's get to it. If you took my advice from 3 days ago you visualized yourself being this great performer, like say Beyonce' , or you saw yourself being the best motivational speaker giving a speech in front of thousands of people like Tony Robbins, or you drew a blank!!!! The last one is where most people find themselves.  I will do ten things that have nothing to do with the goal I'm trying to achieve and keep doing nothing all day until it's midnight, then I'm like I need to get this or that done, the whole day is now gone. This is what the average person does and is what keeps us achieving average goals that don't lead to family legacy.  This is the

Be Happy Today Because You Can

Good afternoon,  The joy felt today is enormous. I love how things keep appearing to show you where you are in the universe or how aligned you are with your goals, ideas, or purpose. Learning to read between the lines is such a gift. I read very well, and I speak many languages. Happy is my all- time favorite song. I love Pharrell's Curtis Mayfield smooth sounding voice and his infectious simplistic drum beat and top that off with the fun joy-filled music video and this is me and the way I feel about life.  I love this song and the video is perfect. Thank you, Pharrell.  I said this because this is the way to get to what it is that is wanted in your life. You must feel this way genuinely. It takes time and it takes practice. Life gives us exactly what we are, not what we want.  "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Marcus Aurelius It's mid- month of the beginning of the second quarter for 2019, how's your game pla

Be Happy Today Because You Can

Good afternoon,  The joy felt today is enormous. I love how things keep appearing to show you where you are in the universe or how aligned you are with your goals, ideas, or purpose. Learning to read between the lines is such a gift. I read very well, and I speak many languages. Happy is my all- time favorite song. I love Pharrell's Curtis Mayfield smooth sounding voice and his infectious simplistic drum beat and top that off with the fun joy-filled music video and this is me and the way I feel about life.  I love this song and the video is perfect. Thank you, Pharrell.  I said this because this is the way to get to what it is that is wanted in your life. You must feel this way genuinely. It takes time and it takes practice. Life gives us exactly what we are, not what we want.  "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Marcus Aurelius It's mid- month of the beginning of the second quarter for 2019, how's your game pla

What's Coming In?

Good day all.  Today is great day to become informed.  Most workers in their respective countries engages in some form of service or servitude for a wage.  Most Americans call it income, because we are trained to call it that from the IRS so they can tax it, however it is not income it is a wage.  Income is a compound word that is connotative (deceptive or having more than one meaning). It sounds right, but it's not and with that I will let you do the research to make the conclusion that is fitting to your particular circumstance, while looking it up make sure you also use the etymology online dictionary. As time moves forward, you should learn to know things and stop allowing others to give you their perspective on what things mean.  You will be surprised to find that most of what others teach or tell you is of no real benefit to you or your family's generational wealth or well-being.  I want you to view this movie clip. I recently viewed the movie it was great with an

What's Coming In?

Good day all.  Today is great day to become informed.  Most workers in their respective countries engages in some form of service or servitude for a wage.  Most Americans call it income, because we are trained to call it that from the IRS so they can tax it, however it is not income it is a wage.  Income is a compound word that is connotative (deceptive or having more than one meaning). It sounds right, but it's not and with that I will let you do the research to make the conclusion that is fitting to your particular circumstance, while looking it up make sure you also use the etymology online dictionary. As time moves forward, you should learn to know things and stop allowing others to give you their perspective on what things mean.  You will be surprised to find that most of what others teach or tell you is of no real benefit to you or your family's generational wealth or well-being.  I want you to view this movie clip. I recently viewed the movie it was great with an

Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome. I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people. I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just a ste

Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome. I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people. I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just a ste

An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away, What if that's True?

How much time do you think you have? I ask this because we tend to think that we have all the time in the world.  Then as you view the pic to the left of these words we see a soul transitioned that we thought had an unlimited amount of time.  He thought he had so much time that at the age of 57 with all of his worldly goods he (allegedly) had no will prepared for those he would leave behind.   One of my mentors who I adore, the late, Jim Rohn often said , " An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What if that's true?" What if it is true and we never ate an apple, which is something we could easily do?  What if those who ate apples daily never get poor health?    Use this same analogy for walking daily.  What if you went for a walk daily just up and down the street you live on for a mile or two?  What if that kept your blood pressure at the optimal rate?  What if that kept your blood sugar levels low regardless of the amount of sugar you took in daily? Wha

An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away, What if that's True?

How much time do you think you have? I ask this because we tend to think that we have all the time in the world.  Then as you view the pic to the left of these words we see a soul transitioned that we thought had an unlimited amount of time.  He thought he had so much time that at the age of 57 with all of his worldly goods he (allegedly) had no will prepared for those he would leave behind.   One of my mentors who I adore, the late, Jim Rohn often said , " An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What if that's true?" What if it is true and we never ate an apple, which is something we could easily do?  What if those who ate apples daily never get poor health?    Use this same analogy for walking daily.  What if you went for a walk daily just up and down the street you live on for a mile or two?  What if that kept your blood pressure at the optimal rate?  What if that kept your blood sugar levels low regardless of the amount of sugar you took in daily? Wha

What if you live to be 94? Would you have enough money? Learn how you can!

Wouldn't it be awesome to live to see your great,great, great nieces and nephews? Salvidor Dali at The Moma Good morning. Today begins the mid-year point of 2015. This is a great time to review your 2015 goals list. It’s easy to get off track as days, weeks, and months move quickly. If you are checking things off your list that are done, great.  If you haven’t checked anything off its time to stop right where you are today and re-do the list. Something is wrong, but it’s a perfect time to fix things. December 2015 will be here before you know it and if you are in the same position as you were December 2014 you are doing something wrong, or you aren’t doing anything.  You also may need to evaluate if you actually want the goals and objectives that you set. You must keep your original “why,” in front of you. This is the reason you said you would become financially and personally better. This is for you and your family’s future. This is so that you don’t spen