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Showing posts with the label success

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested in your excu

3 Reasons to be a Customer Service Specialist and How?

We are well into fall and I am back on-line, thanks to a friend/client who found value in the lessons here at D.S.Woodard Consulting, High Achievers Academy and did me a huge favor assisting me in getting back on-line sooner than I would have.  I have multiple things that I am working on as usual and one of which is setting up a school, funding, curriculum, etc. so, Mr. Curtis your part that you played was very vital and largely appreciated. I hadn't even realized that the amount of time that has passed was more than a full month.   Now on to the lesson for today.  I have been working with a group of individuals who have not the slightest clue about how to treat customers.  They are unaware of the concept of customer service and it shows up daily and causes so much frustration to the consumers that they loose a tremendous amount of business. To the customer, client, consumer it's all about them and that's all they care about, they are not interested in your excu

2015 is Awesome

Good morning, we are happy to introduce you to Dylan, not the first baby of the New Year, but our first grandson, born January 9, 2015.  We are very happy he is healthy and very handsome. With all of the objectives that we have set for 2015 having a new life gives you a new perspective.  As you watch them there is no worry or concern.  They can't talk, walk or do anything for themselves, yet they arrive with nothing and everything they need is given to them in each moment.  This year is awesome for you.  You have everything going for you and simply need to trust and believe as the newborns do.  Know that all the dreams and desires you want are coming to you.  Be more confident.  Be more assertive.  Ask for the things that you want.  Take the first step to create the change you seek.  We are launching book number two and three next month.  Book two "Now What?" and book three "Y.O.L.O the Student Edition" the final edits are just about done.  A trea

2015 is Awesome

Good morning, we are happy to introduce you to Dylan, not the first baby of the New Year, but our first grandson, born January 9, 2015.  We are very happy he is healthy and very handsome. With all of the objectives that we have set for 2015 having a new life gives you a new perspective.  As you watch them there is no worry or concern.  They can't talk, walk or do anything for themselves, yet they arrive with nothing and everything they need is given to them in each moment.  This year is awesome for you.  You have everything going for you and simply need to trust and believe as the newborns do.  Know that all the dreams and desires you want are coming to you.  Be more confident.  Be more assertive.  Ask for the things that you want.  Take the first step to create the change you seek.  We are launching book number two and three next month.  Book two "Now What?" and book three "Y.O.L.O the Student Edition" the final edits are just about done.  A trea

How Are You Making Out This Month?

We are enjoying this new year as we come to the end of this third week of January 2014.  The thing we like is that there are still two more weeks to get things done that may not have come into being for us yet.  How are you making out this month?  This first month of the new year is three weeks in and there is a lot of time left to create.  You should be realizing some momentum from the goals and objectives you set last year.  This is a journey and if you don't expect to get it all accomplished in an instant moment in time you will do so much better. Allowing yourself the opportunity to grow will help you become comfortable with your expansion that is sure to come .  I spoke to a friend who recently accepted a new position that will give her more time freedom and more income.  She will no longer work on weekends and now has bankers hours.  The challenge for her is that she has not grown to the move, she has doubts and a little fear with her desired goals because she spoke about

How Are You Making Out This Month?

We are enjoying this new year as we come to the end of this third week of January 2014.  The thing we like is that there are still two more weeks to get things done that may not have come into being for us yet.  How are you making out this month?  This first month of the new year is three weeks in and there is a lot of time left to create.  You should be realizing some momentum from the goals and objectives you set last year.  This is a journey and if you don't expect to get it all accomplished in an instant moment in time you will do so much better. Allowing yourself the opportunity to grow will help you become comfortable with your expansion that is sure to come .  I spoke to a friend who recently accepted a new position that will give her more time freedom and more income.  She will no longer work on weekends and now has bankers hours.  The challenge for her is that she has not grown to the move, she has doubts and a little fear with her desired goals because she spoke about

Believe in You

Hello and good evening. This is the best day of your life. You have to press and keep pressing until the end of this year. This is the time of many distractions; however time does not wait it continues on. Every moment is a chance to become better and to get closer to the achievement of your goals. I know it can be hard to make a decision to live your dream and keep making efforts for the long term when it looks like your dream is nowhere in sight. The bible talks about believing in the unseen to see it. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You have to see things in your mind first and keep the faith which is your belief. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in your dream. You and only you will make it happen. This doesn't mean that others will not help you along the way, but it is the momentum of your belief that will bring the others necessary to make sure the dream comes tr

Believe in You

Hello and good evening. This is the best day of your life. You have to press and keep pressing until the end of this year. This is the time of many distractions; however time does not wait it continues on. Every moment is a chance to become better and to get closer to the achievement of your goals. I know it can be hard to make a decision to live your dream and keep making efforts for the long term when it looks like your dream is nowhere in sight. The bible talks about believing in the unseen to see it. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You have to see things in your mind first and keep the faith which is your belief. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in your dream. You and only you will make it happen. This doesn't mean that others will not help you along the way, but it is the momentum of your belief that will bring the others necessary to make sure the dream comes tr

Fear of Success

Good morning, I hope to find you in great health and strength today. Today is another chance to be all you were created to be. As the clouds give us rain to water the earth we should trust that everything has a purpose. There are so many opportunities daily to be your best. You are in the last 90 days of the year 2013 many things have been accomplished, many goals have been set. This is an amazing time to see how much more you can get accomplished. It is hard not to be fearful of the success that is sure to come as you pursue your dreams and goals. The year moved on as it always does rather quickly. Let yourself think more and grow from what you experience daily. When most people begin to see increments of success they will usually sabotage themselves. Some will not make any movement forward because they have not been there before and fear replaces the desire for the achievement of the goals. Take more time to enjoy the small victories that you have experienced over th

Fear of Success

Good morning, I hope to find you in great health and strength today. Today is another chance to be all you were created to be. As the clouds give us rain to water the earth we should trust that everything has a purpose. There are so many opportunities daily to be your best. You are in the last 90 days of the year 2013 many things have been accomplished, many goals have been set. This is an amazing time to see how much more you can get accomplished. It is hard not to be fearful of the success that is sure to come as you pursue your dreams and goals. The year moved on as it always does rather quickly. Let yourself think more and grow from what you experience daily. When most people begin to see increments of success they will usually sabotage themselves. Some will not make any movement forward because they have not been there before and fear replaces the desire for the achievement of the goals. Take more time to enjoy the small victories that you have experienced over th


Good afternoon, Today is the last day of May. Tomorrow is Day one of the mid-year point in our conventional calender. Today is a perfect day to assess how much progress have you actually made since the beginning of the year and how much more can you get done before December 31,2013. Happy Friday or as most say "thank God it's Friday." Well if you are still in the game of life then this is a great day no matter what day it is. However I do want you to work diligently during your weekends and your weekdays. This is very important now more than ever. The summer season brings the opportunity to have a lot more fun outdoors since the weather is agreeable; but like Jim Rohn says," Don't get faked out, by the warm weather and the sun." Think like the ant or the farmer. The ant thinks winter all summer. He knows that this great weather gives him the opportunity to gather and store for the up coming fall/winter season. The farmer knows that he can


Good afternoon, Today is the last day of May. Tomorrow is Day one of the mid-year point in our conventional calender. Today is a perfect day to assess how much progress have you actually made since the beginning of the year and how much more can you get done before December 31,2013. Happy Friday or as most say "thank God it's Friday." Well if you are still in the game of life then this is a great day no matter what day it is. However I do want you to work diligently during your weekends and your weekdays. This is very important now more than ever. The summer season brings the opportunity to have a lot more fun outdoors since the weather is agreeable; but like Jim Rohn says," Don't get faked out, by the warm weather and the sun." Think like the ant or the farmer. The ant thinks winter all summer. He knows that this great weather gives him the opportunity to gather and store for the up coming fall/winter season. The farmer knows that he can


Good afternoon, thank you for your time. We appreciate you joining us here at DS Woodard Consulting. We are implementing new systems to grow our business and to reach more groups and individuals in need of our services. Time, is our only true asset,yet it depreciates and we can't get it back. How are you spending or investing your time? The calendar tells us that we have reached the 5th month of the year 2013. We ourselves are happy for our growth to this point this year, however we really could be achieving more. The clock and the calender are a continuous reminder that time truly does not wait. It is up to us how we spend or invest each moment . We will have days like today the 1st of the new month where we tend to evaluate our previous months performance and then jump straight into the new month frazzled and stressed because we have not taken the time to strategically plan for the upcoming month or we feel we have not accomplished what we set out to do fully. If


Good afternoon, thank you for your time. We appreciate you joining us here at DS Woodard Consulting. We are implementing new systems to grow our business and to reach more groups and individuals in need of our services. Time, is our only true asset,yet it depreciates and we can't get it back. How are you spending or investing your time? The calendar tells us that we have reached the 5th month of the year 2013. We ourselves are happy for our growth to this point this year, however we really could be achieving more. The clock and the calender are a continuous reminder that time truly does not wait. It is up to us how we spend or invest each moment . We will have days like today the 1st of the new month where we tend to evaluate our previous months performance and then jump straight into the new month frazzled and stressed because we have not taken the time to strategically plan for the upcoming month or we feel we have not accomplished what we set out to do fully. If

Are you getting it done?

Today is the beginning of the second quarter of 2013. We have been working with the editors, publishers on Amazon, and the management team here at DSWoodard Consulting to meet the April 10th release date for our 1st e-book, Y.O.L.O. This is a series, so the first part is the beginning. We are getting it done, but it is like everything else in our lives. It takes time and although it is our purpose to help others design the life they want, we can lose track of where we are going and how long it's taking. I must admit that this new endeavor has opened our eyes to more possibilities than we had imagined. We are so excited to share what we have put together that it is hard to keep it to ourselves. We are not perfect, but we want it to be. As you embrace the beginning of spring and the beauty that it brings with the blossoms and the green grass and the leaves turning green, the birds singing like there is not a care in the world, don't get faked out. Make sure you are m

Are you getting it done?

Today is the beginning of the second quarter of 2013. We have been working with the editors, publishers on Amazon, and the management team here at DSWoodard Consulting to meet the April 10th release date for our 1st e-book, Y.O.L.O. This is a series, so the first part is the beginning. We are getting it done, but it is like everything else in our lives. It takes time and although it is our purpose to help others design the life they want, we can lose track of where we are going and how long it's taking. I must admit that this new endeavor has opened our eyes to more possibilities than we had imagined. We are so excited to share what we have put together that it is hard to keep it to ourselves. We are not perfect, but we want it to be. As you embrace the beginning of spring and the beauty that it brings with the blossoms and the green grass and the leaves turning green, the birds singing like there is not a care in the world, don't get faked out. Make sure you are m

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

Choices, We all Have Them

Good morning, We are very happy with last months readership and with the growth that has taken place for those we are working with at DS Woodard Consulting. This is the beginning of the sprint to the school year end events, prom, graduation, college & career choices. For those we have been working directly with, you are well on your way to a great start in the next phase of life goals. You actually have set some goals and achieved some goals, so you know what to do next. You have a road map and you are confident that you will arrive at your pre-set destination.   This post is about choices. We all have choices, on a daily bases we are met with what should I do next. If you have been working with us you know that you have to :  1. Create a list of goals, 3months, 6months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and beyond. 2. Practice what ever you have chosen as your life path. If you are a student you have to study, do not expect your teacher, professor, or instructor to open

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett

What do I want to be?

Good afternoon, I know that everyone is thinking what should I do this year?  What should I be?  What is the path I should be on this new year?  These are great questions and I often ask myself the same things.   The thing is we are who we are right now.  I am Denise, you are __________(your name here), so what do you aspire to be?  That is the question.  Look at the things that give you happiness,joy, inspiration, or just a great feeling inside, from there you can begin to evaluate what you would like to be or do that will be a better life for you.   I know that the majority of people will never read another book once they leave high school, yet the things that you can learn, the experience you can gain from someone else's story are huge.  Decide that this year you will take small steps towards the life you desire.   You will use your imagination to create the reality you want.  You will committ to your personal growth every day.  Know in your heart that all is well, and gett