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The Next Big Thing

Good day all I wanted to greet the new month with a bit of new information. I have been studying law specifically constitutional law and trust law.  I have a few terms for you to look up to the left of this paragraph.  Make sure you look them up in a law dictionary. The 4th Edition of Henry Campbell Black's Law dictionary or Bouvier's Law dictionary. I also suggest that you use the online Etymology Dictionary to find the true meaning of words.
The reason I suggest this is that if you are to build an estate or an inheritance from your business enterprise it is also wise that you over stand how to maintain it into generational perpetuity. Look those words up also (generational & perpetuity).  There are many other facets of trust law that are necessary to maintain it through generations, but for now start here. This is what all those who have left generational wealth over the last 100 years utilize it is a tool.

What is the next big thing?  It's coming time for the Autumnal Equinox September 22,2017 at exactly 4:02pm EDT for the Northern Hemisphere of the planet. This is when the temperature drops and the days are much shorter than the nights.  Why do you care about this information in planning your next move in your business entity?
  Fall is most often the time to reap what you have sown over the last 3 seasons.  This should be a wonderful time for you and your business entity. You should be busy planning for winter.  If your business is outdoors like a lawn service you should be setting up clients for leaf removal and depending on your area you can purchase equipment that will allow you to offer your clients snow removal services. 

There are many things that you can do to maintain business operations through out the year, it's up to you to be creative. These are just suggestions.  I'm always thinking about the next thing, I may suffer from my own form of ADD, I get bored easily and so I am always doing multiple things.
 I'm still working to create generational wealth for my grandchildren and I work with my children who are all business owners even my high school-er who says he's unemployable, but loves to have plenty of federal reserve notes $$$,so he works his businesses and the one that we work together is during the summer which I told him we're extending it through early fall since it's going really well.  Working with your family to build your legacy can be so much fun. It can also be a hassle. Everyday I am very tough on him and he complains about it, me being a loving mom I feel maybe I am too tough, but then my business side kicks in and I remind him I will not always be here and I need you to be the hardest worker even when you have employees, I need you to know what to do without a lot of thought, which means you have to be able to make executive decisions without me because you are the boss.  
 "A boss is one who guarantee we goin eat." Rick Ross.  
Can you say the same about your business?  Are you training your heir(s) for an inheritance?  My youngest daughter after I worked with her for about a year and maybe 6 months is doing so well that she has begun hiring staff members, and has her product in demand in several businesses and is consistently in demand from her own merit.  She was the same as my son is now, and I was pushing her to her limit and I made her very uncomfortable with the tasks I required her to do, but just like with my son I explained to her also, this is your business, I will not be here always and you need to run this like a boss because it is yours and you must own it and create its success, and I have a life of my own, your children will tend to forget that so make them independent. 

You can contact her for your event, she will come to you and delivers via carriers @theetattedchef on Instagram and @theetattedchef on twitter or call 
direct at 301-200-2097. Can you tell I'm a proud mom? 

At a cooking competition in Northern Virginia 
Some of the desserts she contracts out to one of the local restaurants in Richmond.                      

Smith Island Cake a Maryland Specialty that she brought to her high end Richmond Virginia Clientele

This leads us back to the beginning of the post here is a quick video on Trust Law:

 Do your own research I just want to introduce this information to you for your loved ones.

To your success,


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