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Showing posts from June 2, 2013

"Oh No, It's June & Things Look the Same as last June

Good evening. Is this you? Does your June 2013 have the same outlook as June 2012? If it does don't worry there is still time. You do have to take massive action, now. This starts with the plan you created January 1,2013. You have to review it and make some changes. Things will continue to get in your way it is called life. Becoming successful does not happen by chance it is by planning and the action taken to achieve each goal. We know we keep saying this over and over, however it is the work. If you find that it's June the middle of the year and you have been unable to complete any of your goals you need to stop, pull out the goals list, and review it. What are the top 3 that you want to achieve by December 30,2013? Write these on a separate sheet of paper. Six months is a huge amount of time. You may need to make your goals bigger. You need to focus more on what you want. Sometimes we aim too low and hit. If your goals are not attached to an emotional p

"Oh No, It's June & Things Look the Same as last June

Good evening. Is this you? Does your June 2013 have the same outlook as June 2012? If it does don't worry there is still time. You do have to take massive action, now. This starts with the plan you created January 1,2013. You have to review it and make some changes. Things will continue to get in your way it is called life. Becoming successful does not happen by chance it is by planning and the action taken to achieve each goal. We know we keep saying this over and over, however it is the work. If you find that it's June the middle of the year and you have been unable to complete any of your goals you need to stop, pull out the goals list, and review it. What are the top 3 that you want to achieve by December 30,2013? Write these on a separate sheet of paper. Six months is a huge amount of time. You may need to make your goals bigger. You need to focus more on what you want. Sometimes we aim too low and hit. If your goals are not attached to an emotional p