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Showing posts with the label Les Brown

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

5 Easy Steps to Sales Success

Today is the ninth day of the fourth month of the year 2018. Spring is coming however the temperature would not let us believe that. The calendar and what we are experiencing is quite different, but it is on schedule and there is no need to worry. I am working on learning to multi-task every day to get as much done as possible, I'm finding that it is impossible and that I may need to clone myself. I now know how, many people are not successful, it takes stamina, fortitude, and persistence among other things.   Stamina is a noun: the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. Fortitude is noun:      1. Courage in pain or adversity. Persistence is a noun: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Each of these are things that means that they can be had and although you can not touch, stamina, fortitude or persistence you can exude them.  Exude means to (of a person) display (an

5 Easy Steps to Sales Success

Today is the ninth day of the fourth month of the year 2018. Spring is coming however the temperature would not let us believe that. The calendar and what we are experiencing is quite different, but it is on schedule and there is no need to worry. I am working on learning to multi-task every day to get as much done as possible, I'm finding that it is impossible and that I may need to clone myself. I now know how, many people are not successful, it takes stamina, fortitude, and persistence among other things.   Stamina is a noun: the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. Fortitude is noun:      1. Courage in pain or adversity. Persistence is a noun: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Each of these are things that means that they can be had and although you can not touch, stamina, fortitude or persistence you can exude them.  Exude means to (of a person) display (an

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a