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Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

Your "Why" You Do Things Welcome to High Achievers Vlog

It's Thursday and as scheduled I have posted this 1st of many video logs, known as Vlogs.  I will be teaching classes online at a venue to be posted soon, but I will continue to post here to my loyal D.S. Woodard Consulting followers at no charge. Why are you here?  This is the beginning of creating your visualized life.  You must have a "why."   Your why is not just the reason you decided to get up this morning, but it is also why you do most of what you do daily.  Why do you get up at ungodly hours and travel miles away from the comfort of your home and your family?   Why do you spend thousands of hours working with the same group of strangers who after some time become your second family?  Most will say because I have bills to pay!! Even if that is the case you still have the option to pick the amount of time and the surrounding environment in which you will give your value away.   Today your goal is to think about and write down what is important

Welcome Back to D.S. Woodard's Blog !!

Hello D.S. Woodard Business Scholars,  I trust everyone is being safe and learning to live in the new decade, 2020 in such a way that you are using your technology to communicate and avoid over exposure to multitudes of people.  Times have changed and we must change with them.  We can't act as if we aren't a society of high-tech individuals.  We have the capability to thrive currently more than ever before.  Get out of Industrial Age thinking and actions.  I know those who have followed this blog for the last 10 years are ready to move forward into the Aquarian Age and beyond.  The Piscean Age is leaving and all the antiquated ways of operating our businesses and our lives are going with that.  I have been working on a few platforms that I have promised for many moons, such as the video blog, and the virtual classroom. I will maintain the free blog; however, the new platforms do require a fee.  I am operating from the home office so I will be posting and guiding you

Welcome Back to D.S. Woodard's Blog !!

Hello D.S. Woodard Business Scholars,  I trust everyone is being safe and learning to live in the new decade, 2020 in such a way that you are using your technology to communicate and avoid over exposure to multitudes of people.  Times have changed and we must change with them.  We can't act as if we aren't a society of high-tech individuals.  We have the capability to thrive currently more than ever before.  Get out of Industrial Age thinking and actions.  I know those who have followed this blog for the last 10 years are ready to move forward into the Aquarian Age and beyond.  The Piscean Age is leaving and all the antiquated ways of operating our businesses and our lives are going with that.  I have been working on a few platforms that I have promised for many moons, such as the video blog, and the virtual classroom. I will maintain the free blog; however, the new platforms do require a fee.  I am operating from the home office so I will be posting and guiding you