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Where are you today?

Two different scenerios what do you think?

                                                                      Good afternoon. How is your summer going? We're enjoying the weather and extra family time that comes with summer vacation, but our main objective is wealth building for the generations to follow. This takes knowledge, skills and abilities.  We study from those who have the skills and knowledge we have yet to attain.  This takes discipline, focus, and stick-to-itiveness.  (This is a word look it up)
So let's see where are you, right now.

Today is the only time that you have that is certain.  Today you may be at your job,working your business, or in school.  It doesn't matter where you are, it only matters what you are willing to do with the right now time you have.  If things are looking similar to the same time last year you need to ask yourself why.  The one thing that is certain is that things are always changing.  If things are not changing that only means your mind is not changing and you are seeing things the same even though everything changes.

What are some things you could do to change things?

1. You could read a few books that help you increase the level of knowledge that you currently have.

2.  You could take a class, on-line seminar, or attend a personal development event.
  a. Most network marketing companies have awesome personal development trainings for as little as      $10 per training.

3.  You could become an intern or an entry level employee with a company that is successful in a business that you may be considering starting as a business and they may even pay you.

4.  Pay yourself first.  This is a challenge because we are taught to pay bills first, but that is a habit that keeps wealth in the hands of your debtors.
 a. When I say pay yourself first I am speaking of investing in your future not creating more liabilities like the new car you want or the new set of golf clubs.  These are not investments, these are liabilities.

We finished reading "Rich Dad/ Poor Dad," by Robert Kiyosaki.  This was a great read.  This is the perfect time to have read this book because as you grow you will find that the next step will come to you.  We have our book club currently reading it.  It was a two day read for us.  The information in this book is perfect for where we are in our development on this blog.  All of you should have the discipline and funds to immediately invest in something for your future and that of your family.   Our main objective of this blog is to teach generational wealth and the disciplines that are necessary to achieve this.

Money is very important and if you don't think it is do this little exercise: call up your bank and tell them you want to deposit some love, peace or joy into your account.  Then ask them how much interest you will earn in 1,5, or 10 years.  If that doesn't work then ask them if you can take out a loan for an investment opportunity you've come across and you want to use love, fear, peace or hate as the collateral.  We know these examples are sarcastic, that is the point of them.  However this is what most people think will take care of them or their families in the case that tragedy occurs or when they reach their golden years they some how think that love, fear, peace or joy will provide for them.

We often visit the same 7-11 daily for our usual cup of coffee.  We noticed this elderly gentleman working behind the counter.  The first time he moved at the speed of a snail.  Our tolerance level was tested that day.  We came to the realization that he could care less what type of hurry we were in he was at least 70 years old.  The next time we noticed him behind the counter the experience was the same, he was extra slow, he was unsure of the technology of the cash register that operates like a computer and that was evident when the person in front of us reminded him to hit the button so their debt card could process.  This time our thoughts went to empathy for him, here is living his golden years, but because of improper planning or no planning he has to work for low pay when he should be sitting on a white sand blue water beach.  Don't let this be you or those you love and care for.

Where are you today?  Take action today to get a step closer to the generational wealth that you want for you and your family.   "Money is not everything, but it's right up there with oxygen." Zig Ziglar  money is freeing. Money gives you and your family options so that you can live your true passion and move about the planet as you choose to.  Money allows you to do the things you want to do, not the things you have to do.  Excerpted from "Now What?"

To your success,
D. S. Woodard


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