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Vacation for Clarity

Hello from paradise.  I am on the last night of my vacation and I want to tell you to vacation should be a law. I feel so wonderful and refreshed that words can not really describe. The picture to the left is how I feel. As we go into the last 30 days of summer into the fall season it is my suggestion that if you have not taken a vacation you do a quick weekend away from home, work, or your business.

We went more than 800 miles from home, but it was so worth it. I am renewed, and have a new game plan and new ideas of things I want to accomplish through the end of 2018. The funny thing is there were thousands of things to do, yet I only choose to do a handful. The major thing I did was nothing, I got up late everyday except the first day. I cooked some days and we ate out some days. We stay in a resort so if you can do that or at least a hotel with a full kitchen which makes the choice easier and less expensive. There were so many activities, but I chose most of the time to just lay by the pool taking in the sun, I also did my daily walk around the grounds of the resort which is built around a lake. I could go on but I hope you get the picture.

Today's lesson: Getting closer to doing what you love, how?

You have to try things that you have always wanted to do. Many people go to their grave having never lived. Many people exist on the planet, but to live is different.

The description of live is a·live  (əˈlīv)
(of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead.
"hopes of finding anyone still alive were fading"
synonyms: living, live; More
(of a person or animal) alert and active; animated.
"Ken comes alive when he hears his music played"
synonyms: animated, lively, full of life, alert, active, energetic, vigorous, spry, sprightly, vital, vivacious, buoyant, exuberant, ebullient, zestful, spirited; etc.

The description of exist is
ex·ist (iɡˈzist)
have objective reality or being.
"remains of these baths still exist on the south side of the Pantheon"
synonyms: live, be alive, be living; More
live, especially under adverse conditions.
"how am I going to exist without you?"
synonyms: survive, subsist, live, support oneself;etc.

As you read the complete definitions and get to the highlighted part that is the difference. So learn to live and be alive by doing things that you love, doing things that give you joy, doing things that make you happy.

We all have a finite amount of time and we have a tendency to believe otherwise. Living in the D.C. metro area we race around every day at a crazy pace and the energy is highly stressed which makes it easy to lose your focus and get dragged into the motion, of doing what has to be done to survive like in existing.

 I'm sure that this isn't the only place like this, but to get to your next level of living you must enjoy where you are now. If you are not enjoying what you do daily you will stay stuck in that existence, it is the law of the Universe.

What are the laws of the universe?

Time to create joyously what you want to live this year and beyond.  I know that you can do it. 
P.S. Stop trying to be perfect, there is no such thing. Mess up trying to figure it out!

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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