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Building Confidence in You

It is the middle of the year,time for a check up. A progress report of where you are financially or where your business or career goals that you set in January are taking you.

June is a busy month. Most families go on vacation. This is also a great mid-year check point or a good place to get a gauge of how you are doing or where you are going. The average person has no clue. If you think I'm making this up ask someone you know or ask yourself what's your YTD income? You will get a blank stare or you may be thinking what is DW talking about. Your YTD is your year to date income, this is the amount of money you have earned since January 1 up to today's date June 29th. That is half of the year and can give you a good estimate on what your income will be by the end of this year.

You can find this information on your pay stub if you work for someone. If you are a business owner you should have a financial tool to keep track of this vital information. The majority of the population works for some one else,about 97%. Just knowing this information is empowering
if you use what you see for growth. If you know that you have been living paycheck to paycheck for the last six months and you see your ytd is $8,000 you are either going to live that way for the remainder of the year, which could be the rest of your life or you are going to get a clue. I use $8,000 because I saw a young woman's paystub and that was her ytd I did her financial statement for her and monthly she was short for her basic needs and cost of living by $50.00. That did not include any extras like getting her hair done etc.

I gave my opinion on the quickest way for her to get caught up, she has no skill or is what we call unskilled labor. The best alternative to losing her new car or her place is to get a second job part-time. The next thing is she has to gain a skill that will pay her more for her time. These are things we train on in our seminars and one on one sessions at DSWoodard Consulting

There is nothing wrong with earning $8,000 for 6 months of work , but if you do the math you year end income will likely be $16,000 and when you deduct the taxes the number gets smaller. You can change it if you are willing to change your thinking. Begin by reading some good books. I began a book club last June for my twitter followers. I am a life time learner, so I read as a major part of my life. Another statistic I'm not happy to report is that the majority of adults never read a book after they leave high school. The percentage is about 78%. Change starts from your thoughts and you think about what you know.

A book that I love is "The Instant Millionare", by Mark Fisher. It is such an easy read and has great life lessons. The more you know the more confident you can become in your ability to live a prosperous, healthy, happy life.

Get that book, today,

I am confident that you are successful you only need to have faith in you.

Good luck, to your success
DS Woodard


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