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Distractions, Distractions, Distractions

Good evening all, it's the end of February, I have been so busy and I can tell you that the daily list of items I attempted to keep going since day one of January 2019 have ceased to be.
 The last date I kept was January 24th so I'm about a month off, but that's why you have to use a check and balance sheet of  what you're doing daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 months, 6 months, and then annually,like I state in my book Y.O.L.O .

Life is such a roller coaster of events every day there is always so much to conquer that's one reason it's hard to achieve our goals.

This leads me to our topic for this post, distractions.

Distractions let us know we're getting closer to the goals we've set. The challenge is we have to be focused and ignore the distractions. They are hard to spot at first, but when we notice we're starting to spend too much time doing things other than completing our goals we are probably being distracted.

If you find you are in the same place day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, you are probably distracted.

The biggest distraction is you guessed it, the internet, more specifically social media. I won't go into a long dissertation about the evils of Twitter, Face Book, Linked In, I.G., etc... There is the good the bad and the Ugly of the world wide web so use your best judgement and learn how to focus, be a boss.

 How do we get anything done in 2019? I don't know. It's a challenge. Our job is one of the biggest challenges. We need our money so we must work at least 5 to 7 days. I work 7 days a week and I have done this for most of my adult life. I am not a workaholic, but I do like to stay busy and productive and I love the things having money allows me to have, be or do.

How do we get going and stay focused to make significant progress:

1. Learn to breath more in the moment. I find that if I can stop for a moment and breath I can settle down and remember what my purpose is for that particular moment.
2. Laugh more. Some days are harder than others and when the stress of creating revenue or making the decision to do the next thing that is necessary to move forward I will turn on my Pandora comedians like the Kevin Hart channel or Mike Epps. They are so silly and I only need to listen for a few minutes then I am distracted in a good way that lets me get back on track so that I move forward. If you find that that's not enough try watching one of your favorite comedy movies it works every time.
3. Eat something. Many days I get started very early and often before I want to eat anything, but eventually I will loose focus and can't press on if I haven't eaten and at times I will forget that I didn't because I'm so busy. Make your best attempt to eat something that is nourishing also drink plenty of water.
4. Saturate your mind with what you desire. 
I found a new to me video series that I know will help us. If you have heard of Mel Robbins you already know, but if she is new to you, you will enjoy her training and you will be able to quickly make a change.
5. Take Action, now.

 View the video below and share, it may save someone you love, like I'm sharing it with you.

She is great and so genuine. There are many videos posted on YouTube with her so check her out.

I feel this months lesson will allow us to move forward quickly. March is here in a few days, soon the Spring season will arrive and the sprouts of what we've planted last Fall will begin to manifest I trust you have been consistent and are prepared to reap what you have sown .

To Your Success,
D. S. Woodard


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