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How Do You Spell Love? Time !


Good Morning High Achievers!  The holiday season is here and spending time is so important especially now.  Happiness is an inside job.  The main reason for being great and creating a legacy is so that you leave great memories and traditions to pass from generation to generation. 
 This year my family and I began a new tradition for what others call Thanksgiving.  We haven't celebrated in a few years, since finding out that what we thought was the reason was not true, but we still continued to gather, now we have decided that what we would like to do is travel for this holiday, since the rest of society is closed at the same time. 
 As a business owner and a person who works in corporate America I've found that we can get so caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle routine that we forget to pause, relax and enjoy the fun parts in life.  We don't know how much time we have and it doesn't matter what our age is.  These are my grandchildren at the pool in Miami on Thanksgiving day, and me with my two daughters a few days before in Pompano Beach, behind our Resort! We also went to the beach in South Beach on Thanksgiving Day it was so much fun.  This was a first for all of us as my children are now all adults, so just me and my clan.  My oldest daughter planned it and I decided we all would come.  My mom had planned a family trip like this a few years ago, but we went to the Poconos Mountains for Turkey Day, it was great, but it was definitely a snow blizzard and freezing.  We still had fun, but I love the beach and the warm weather.
  My son had to work so he didn't make it, but we're going back at the same time next year.  
This is how you spell Love, TIME!  We stayed for a week, and don't get it twisted, my children got on my nerves, but the happiness that those grandchildren brought and all the fun they had was priceless! 
 I've worked in the vacation industry and I learned some sad statistics on American adults, many Americans have vacation time, but end up either losing it or cashing it out before they lose it.  The problem is they are not taking the time.  I've been to 19 States in the U.S.  some more than once, like Florida this is my fourth time there.   However there are other Countries that require their citizens to take 5 to 6 weeks of vacation time in order to qualify for their free health insurance.  Imagine that lifestyle!  Make preparations, make you and your loved ones priority.  You will leave the planet, and you won't be taking anything with you, but you can leave great memories and a legacy of traditions that can be enjoyed by your future generations.  Thank you mom for planting these types of memories in me and my children.

That is all for this post.  In the next post I will do a mini class on getting your business certified to get contracts with Federal, State and Local governments.  

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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