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Are you Intentional in your Business Strategy?

It's May and the month is moving fast.  The time to take another look at where your business is headed for the year is now.  You are actually a month late if you are just looking.  That's alright, better late than never. 

The goals you set in January should be showing signs of growth.  If not it's time to reassess what you have been doing for the last four months. 

All is well and I am pressing ahead with the plans I set for D.S. Woodard Consulting 2016.  There are things I would like to see move quicker, but for the most part I am truly on schedule. 

How do you stay focused?  Create a Plan of Action.  This does not have to be this big drawn out list of endless goals and ideas, but it should be some focused goals and ideas that you want to see come to fruition in the next ninety days.  Remember you the followers of this blog are going against what everyone else is doing.
 You are learning to challenge the status quo by doing the things that bring you joy while creating a legacy for your children and your children's children.  If not then what are you doing?

 Now that you have decided that things are going well it's time to create a few more goals for the next six months.  It's hard to say it, but 2017 will be here in a very short amount of time.  The craziness of your normal life can keep you apart from your desires if left unchecked.   You should have goals checked off that are completed so far this year.

It took me a year to complete the journal that I wanted to give away, but I couldn't get it done technologically, so I took the path of least resistance and published it for sale. Check.  It's a jewel of one year's hand picked quotes that I live by with lined spaced pages for your thoughts and creative flow. I call it 365 Plus One Day.  I know that most of my followers are male and that is awesome.  The challenge is that men have a tendency to keep things to themselves, all balled up inside until they explode. It doesn't make you weak to journal it makes you stronger.   The journal is for everyone and it gives you a point of reference.

View this quick clip by the late great millionaire Jim Rohn.

You must become more to have more.  Personal development, and professional development is a continuous strategy.  You must be valuable and maintain your value to your market.  No matter what you do it is of value to someone.  Focus in and don't be afraid of the greatness that you have to offer society.  

I speak to so many people and ninety-five percent of them are just getting by or what I call coasting and they have no idea the value that they are or could be to society.  

That video with Jim Rohn took me so many views before I really got it.  We have this debate going on in our society again right now.  The working poor are asking for a minimum wage increase of $15 per hour.  Why wouldn't those same people just make themselves more valuable instead of relying on the job to provide for their families security? 

 It's easier to just say give us an increase for these unskilled jobs that provide minimal value, so much so that many of them have been replaced by computers and slave wage workers in other countries.  I see big business allowing the wage to increase only to cut the number of workers needed or cut the typical workers hours.  It's a game and you have to play to win.  That means be strategic with your days, week, months, and years so that your golden years are enjoyable.
If your business needs you to show up to make money you own a job, so you may have a six-figure income, but what happens if you get sick or someone you love needs you to care for them for an extended period of time?  That's why this is for high achievers, you have to think, and you have to create your exit strategy from your high paying job or business. 
If you are alright with mediocre you have stumbled across the wrong blog, please don't read any of the archived post, this blog is for high achievers. 
The book to read this month is going to be "Made in America, By Sam Walton" I have not read it yet so we will be reading it together.  I usually like to read it first but I'm certain it's chock full of information we need.  It is over 300 pages, but I think we can get it read before the month ends. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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