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Do You Have What it Takes? Yes You Do.

Hey guys, its April wow, this year is moving fast.  I love 2016 its an even number year, technology makes it so much more fun, for most of us. I'm full of energy and optimism.  I have completed quite a few of my projects for this year and I'm picking up several new ones.

  I'm a big fan of "The Voice." I love this season, the talent is phenomenal. I bring this up to share with you that you should push for your dreams, goals, and ideas.
The reason I love it so much is I cry every time I hear the contestants sing. Why? Because they are attempting to live their dreams, they have broken through the wall of fear and they don't care what anyone thinks, they are going for it and are being successful.  I can sense their passion and it gives me tears of joy.

What is it that you want to create, but don't for fear it might not work? I spoke with my mentor recently and he said even he has fear. We all do, the only difference is that some of us push through the invisible wall of fear where we are greeted with success, not failure.  It is only on the other side of fear that we are greeted with this success. Once you decide to allow yourself to live whatever dream you have for your life then it will be revealed to you in the moment continuously.

Another show that I love is "American Idol."  I remember when it first came out and I wanted to go on and perform, but I was still scared.  I watched the finale season and I felt that same feeling of optimism and of dreams never lived.  I could not get past the fear of competing on a world stage. I would hate to be told no, but I never gave myself the opportunity to be told yes either.
Me  @ N.R.H. in Washington, DC 4th of July

Isn't that funny? Not really, but this is what we do, we say oh here's this thing I want to do, then we say well wait do I have permission to do this thing?  Then we ask everyone we know should I do this thing, and they say no you can't do that thing. So you don't do the thing, then the time ticks on, moments, days, weeks, months, years, decades, and if your lucky centuries, but what have you done?

As I was writing this post, I went to Facebook to check something and saw a post about Daisy Lewellyn who was on a show I watched called "Blood, Sweat, and Heels" about a group of young black women who were all striving to live their dreams of being successful in New York City and the world.  Daisy was diagnosed with Cancer and today she passed on to a new place at the age of 36.  How many days are you going to let go by without pushing and giving it all you have?  There is no tomorrow. Do it today!! 


To your success,

 D.S. Woodard
Daisy Lewellyn 
Don't forget sharing is caring. Tweet, text, email, pin, fb, and linkedin this to others in your network.

I forgot to add the info for two new books I created they are available on if you follow me on twitter you can get the info, otherwise I will create a place on this blog page soon.  Thanks so much for your love and support.  


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