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The Biggest Fight is the one to Achieve your Dreams

Good afternoon, it's a great day as we come to the close of 2015. This year is moving at an awesome pace. It is the same pace that happens every single year, but when you have many goals and time lines set, it seems to move more quickly.

This joyous journey we call life is a continuous adventure. I want you to exam your why you are doing what you have been doing what you are doing this year. I know that's a tongue twister, but this is what I do all the time.

It's easy to forget why you are working the job, why you started your business, or why you want to complete that project you began in January. It's always easy for me to remember, after about a month or two, but three at the most, I am fed up with the rules and regulations of a job, (just over broke) as one of my former business partners refers to them. 

This occurred just the other day my boss at my part-time job punished me for not following the rules.  Now when he sent me home and I was unaffected by his callous act, he took it a few steps further. I had put up no resistance, no fuss, and no concern for the loss of wages, so the next day when I was to come in he had taken me off the schedule, not just for that day but the rest of the following work week-end.

I was only disappointed in the fact that he could have told me this when he did it so that I did not have to drive all the way there, and I am a wonderful employee, so he was being petty just because he could.  Needless to say, this is the reality that those who rely completely on a job live with, fear of loss, I'm glad to have the New Year off since I work in a bar and would have been working on New Year's Eve and Day.  I also decreased my availability to now  only two days, Sunday and Monday.  You do the math.

These types of incidences help me maintain the will to keep fighting for my dreams, how about you?  Are you still fighting with yourself to have permission to live your dreamed of life fully? The reason you are working the job is to fund the dream. The reason you started your business is so that you can have time with your children or grandchildren as they grow.  We only live once and you are going to hate to come to the end of your life and notice that you have wasted all of your vital years toiling for those who will fire you, or to say the least quit on your family and dare you to not give them 100 percent of your most valuable asset, your time, that you will never ever get a second of back. I have achieved so many of my dreams and goals, but they never end.  I want you guys to have the success that you seek. 

Now if this is not enough of a boost to get you pressing and staying up all night unable to sleep until you have a plan, then keep living I promise it doesn't get better and nobody cares about you or your family except you.  The next post will be a video. This is the new format I'm starting.  Since I got the new Iphone6 S+ it should be rather easy. 

Happy Holiday's, I think I will post from somewhere in Downtown DC, maybe the Whitehouse.  Don't forget to share this post. What happened to me just happened to someone you know. 

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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