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Now You Know Why, Let's See How!

You must first slow down and focus in on your specific market. It's easy to say everyone is my customer, but that is too broad. You must target those who want, need and will pay for what you are proposing. You must narrow it down from there to who can afford to pay for your service or product.

Most sales people or most business owners just go fast and cast the net to see what gets stuck in it. Fishermen survey the area, they know the water temperature, the tide, the wind, and other aspects that make their foray more likely to have a successful catch.

As we learn these marketing tools, you need not wait to get your business going, you can do the things that will help you move forward quickly like incorporation, research, licenses you may need, and other details that are required before you can make your sales . These tools will help you sharpen what you are doing. These tools will make you better and save you time. You will be able to spend the proper amount of time on doing what is the most profitable. 

Determining your geographic market is easy. If you have a brick and mortar business then you set it up in a location near your home that fits the other parts of you marketing strategy. If you are like us your geographic segment is unlimited because of the www. Our writing can be delivered anywhere and everywhere often at the same time. Even with that we still must focus on the certain geographic regions that need, want, and can afford our services and products. That means that we must seek out those looking to be high achievers in their business and in their lives. The odds state that only 3 to 5 percent of people want that. That allows us to narrow our scope to seek those individuals and only those individuals. The same must go with you and your business. You must find the percentage of people who desire your product or service and focus fully on them.

How to get through mid-terms
Say you sell coffee or you have a coffee shop and but you set up in a place like the U.K. where the majority drinks tea, how well will you do? Not well at all. Let's say you take that same coffee business and set up near a local college or university, now you're cooking with Crisco.  College students are avid coffee drinkers and you will always have repeat business because every semester there is a new group of students arriving and their professors main job is to assign hours upon hours of endless reading and writing assignments. This is what you call looking for" the low hanging fruit." Which is a target or goal that is easiest to achieve.

Have any of you heard of the Coffitivity App?  It is an app that has sounds that have been scientifically tested to produce good work productivity.  It does work and is amazing. It's great for those who work at home or alone in their offices. It's a simulation of coffee shops at different times of the day. Those who decided to make this app did so based on research and market segmentation. What would you say the market segment would be based on what you have learned? We'll get to the answer on another post.

As you are planning your geographic segment marketing be decisive. Be focused and make sure that it makes sense. Don't waste time with those who sound like a good fit. Time is your most precious resource learn to use it wisely. Be productive as often as you can. 

 "Poor people trade time for money, the problem is time is limited." T. Harve Eker

 You all are awesome thanks for helping us grow and spread the training, keep up your sharing and caring for those you wish the best for.  Make sure you tweet, and show how much you care and help your co-workers and fellow business leaders out.  You never know what one last piece someone needs to take their business to the next level.

To your success,
D.S. Woodard


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