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It's January 2014, it's go time!!

Good evening. Today is a great day and we are well into January this 7th day 2014. We have made our goals list for this month, and are beginning to create our 90 day goals list.
What have you set for your first month of 2014 goals and objectives? We hope you made some goals that are easily achievable and some that stretch you. This is a long month so take advantage of the extra time to to push the momentum into your 90 day goals.

You should be very good at setting goals and objectives by now, since that is all we trained on during 2013. If not feel free to purchase our book, "Y.O.L.O" available on
This is what your goals list should look like:  This is not anyone's list I just made up what most people want to do, I used a sales person, but you know what your goals are and should just use this as a guide.

January-March Goals (90 days)
  1. Earn $500 more than last month.
  2. Lose/gain 3-5 pounds
  3. Work out 3 times per week
  4.  Pay off Christmas credit bills
  5. Look for new job
Now the second step is to make these goals more achievable.  So the second part to the list will be like this:

 90 day goals (sub-list)
  1. (a). Sell 15% more of my product or service than last month.    
          (b). Make 10 extra calls daily to prospects than last month.
          (c). Follow up on everyone who did not buy in the last 3 months.
      2.  (a). Join a gym close to work
           (b). Make an appointment with a nutritionist
           (c). Get healthy food list and purchase from the grocery store.

      3.  (a). Call credit card company to get an up to date statement

           (b). Decide how much you will need to pay each pay period to get it paid off.

      4.  (a). Get your resume' updated.

           (b). Place your resume' online with Career Builders, and other sites. 

           (c). Google the type of jobs you are interested in and make inquiries.

This is an example of how you should be setting your goals.  Clearly the sub-list can be expanded, but you should get it with the example.  It is time consuming at the beginning, but you will be very happy as you look back and see the goals you have achieved over time just because you wrote them down and then broke them down into smaller easier to accomplish steps.

January is a long month, but the longer you wait to begin the process the faster the year will go by without you accomplishing anything different than you did in 2013.  Good luck, and you can feel free to email us with comments, questions or concerns.  Our web address is

To Your Success,
D.S. Woodard


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