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I Was Here or Were you?

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When I heard the song, "I Was Here," on Beyonce's CD 2 years ago, I immediately felt resonance with it. If you listened to it and it doesn't move you to tears, you may need to evaluate are you here?

One reason it moves me is that this is a statement of being.
We are here and then we are not. The dash in our eulogy is very small, I mean like sunrise 1900-2005 sunset, the space, the little dash is our life span. It's amazing that we think there is an infinite amount of time when the truth is there is very little time or the dash could be ----------------- longer. I gave the person in this example 105 years of life between the dash, but the average person lives to about 75.

What are you doing with the dash? Are you taking it for granted that it is infinite?
Do you know when it is over? What is your "Why" for existing? Do others know what it is? Are you just trudging along hoping things will get better or are you planning to leave something to remember so that others will know you were here?

Here at D.S. Woodard Consulting we actually began this work of helping others improve the quality of their lives for the purpose of making the world a better place.
I first questioned my higher self of how can we do this? The answer that came back was one person at a time. That's what it takes, first make the effort to make your life better, then you can show others by your example and through you teachings.

This blog is a free workshop that we do with spiritual guidance for those who want it. There is no one making us do it. We freely and gratefully utilize our time when the inspiration comes to help those who may find some use of the things we post.

Excerpt from our E-book, Y.O.L.O
,"If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow at the stroke of midnight, wouldn't you change your plans for today? Wouldn't you do something else with your life rather than what you've been doing up to now?"

Well it is true we die a little everyday, especially when we allow the gift of now to pass us by like oh there will be another tomorrow. Stop and ponder what am I here for, why am I here? What do I love so much that I would do it for free? I recently asked a businessman who is also a friend this question, he's in his mid-fifty's and he said I never thought of what that might be. How many more sunrise's and sunset's does he have? Will he leave his mark or will he be one of the many that was here today and forgotten tomorrow?

Ask yourself this question and wait for the answer to come to you in an inspirational way. It doesn't have to be conventional, I told him one thing I knew he loved doing. He had a dog who died last year and for years, because he was self employed it seemed like every time I called him he was walking his dog. He said your right I never thought of that. I give the example so that you do not limit your options of doing and being what you love. Take the first step to not leaving the world with regrets.

If we affect the lives of one person in a positive way have caused change and the effect is for the good of all others. I love when I go into a business and the person who greets me is full of life and joy and expresses it in their greeting as I arrive. They are doing what they love and it may be just making people feel good.

Enjoy your today,
DS Woodard


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