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Goal Setting is it necessary?

The 2011/2012 school year has begun, and as we are getting to know our schedules, our teachers and even meeting new friends, the time to plan or set goals for this coming year and the years to follow is now!

  Many young people have a feeling of invincibility.  The world is mine and all that is with-in it is the thought that goes through our minds.  The reality is that the world is yours and there are so many different scenerios that could play out. There is no one way to where we want to be in our life.  We only need to start to pay attention to the things that we do in our daily lives that give us joy.  These are usually the things we do best and there is always a way to create a career around that. 

 Those students who may have older sisters and brothers may have an idea of what happens once senior high school graduation is complete.  It seemed so easy for them, or it may have seemed very hard.  Are there any dreams that your sibling had, yet you notice that they are now just working a job to pay rent and other bills?

  Most young adults find themselves in this very situation many years after graduation, sometimes they are our parents, family members or friends.  Most of society about 95% are working a job to get by in life.  They have no real plan or goals they seek to achieve.  Sometimes we do what we are told to do as we end our highschool career.  A very small percentage of young people have someone in their corner to push them towards the dreams they have.  These dreams vary, it could be to be a professional athelete, a singer or actor, a doctor or lawyer a model or a business owner.  The dream does not matter, it is what you believe that matters.  Set your goal to be a part of the 5% of those who achieve their goals and are successful and happy.

Setting your goals starts with-in your heart and then moves to your head. Desire to do what you love.   There really isn't anything that you can't be, do, or have.  If you don't know anyone who is working in the field you dream of working in there are plenty of successful people who have written books about their journey.  The public library is free books to borrow and the librarians are very helpful in  assisting to find what you are looking for.  Remember that it is their story and it is a guideline to help in creating your story.

 Learn to think ahead of time just a little.  Set goals that are easy and set goals that are challenging, believe in yourself.  Sometimes you may be the only person who believes you can do it, but that's enough. 
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Good Luck, stay focused,
DS Woodard


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