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What if you live to be 94? Would you have enough money? Learn how you can!

Wouldn't it be awesome to live to see your great,great, great nieces and nephews? Salvidor Dali at The Moma Good morning. Today begins the mid-year point of 2015. This is a great time to review your 2015 goals list. It’s easy to get off track as days, weeks, and months move quickly. If you are checking things off your list that are done, great.  If you haven’t checked anything off its time to stop right where you are today and re-do the list. Something is wrong, but it’s a perfect time to fix things. December 2015 will be here before you know it and if you are in the same position as you were December 2014 you are doing something wrong, or you aren’t doing anything.  You also may need to evaluate if you actually want the goals and objectives that you set. You must keep your original “why,” in front of you. This is the reason you said you would become financially and personally better. This is for you and your family’s future. This is so that you don’t spen

What if you live to be 94? Would you have enough money? Learn how you can!

Wouldn't it be awesome to live to see your great,great, great nieces and nephews? Salvidor Dali at The Moma Good morning. Today begins the mid-year point of 2015. This is a great time to review your 2015 goals list. It’s easy to get off track as days, weeks, and months move quickly. If you are checking things off your list that are done, great.  If you haven’t checked anything off its time to stop right where you are today and re-do the list. Something is wrong, but it’s a perfect time to fix things. December 2015 will be here before you know it and if you are in the same position as you were December 2014 you are doing something wrong, or you aren’t doing anything.  You also may need to evaluate if you actually want the goals and objectives that you set. You must keep your original “why,” in front of you. This is the reason you said you would become financially and personally better. This is for you and your family’s future. This is so that you don’t spen

Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions: Do you really care about your customers?  Do you know what their needs are?  Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have?  Do you have a value proposition? We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan. We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools. What is your value propositi