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Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions: Do you really care about your customers?  Do you know what their needs are?  Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have?  Do you have a value proposition? We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan. We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools. What is your value propositi

Why? How? What?

Simon Sinek Good morning, this is a great leader we were introduced to last year. We want to use him for the marketing lesson today as we go deeper. We have a few questions: Do you really care about your customers?  Do you know what their needs are?  Do you seek to solve a real issue they currently have?  Do you have a value proposition? We know you care about your customers. We know that their needs are important and you want to help them with your solution, but the numbers don't lie. If you aren't attracting many customers or your business account has no deposits flowing inward as my favorite mentor Jim Rohn would say, "You have (pause) messed up, you've got the wrong plan." That's alright that's why we're here. We inspire you at to help you aspire to a better path with a preferred action plan. We help you turn in the right direction with simple easy to understand lessons and tools. What is your value propositi

What if you have the WRONG plan?

Good morning. Have you ever questioned the plan you have? Have you even considered that you might be following the wrong plan? Having a plan requires work, hard work. Do you think that you will have to work during your golden years? Most people don't, yet that is becoming the norm for many unskilled workers, the majority of wage earners, and millions who have worked 30 plus years only to find they don't have enough to live on after retirement. Jim Rohn said, "If you find yourself in a little boat with no motor and no oars 300ft.from Niagara Falls, it's over it's already done. You just don't want to find yourself there in such a predicament." So you've got to have a plan. The next few weeks we will learn about marketing which we find to be of great interest to those who follow this blog. For these lessons we will use multiple resources, not just our beautiful mind. Marketing is a very complex somewhat scientific way of giving your business a

What if you have the WRONG plan?

Good morning. Have you ever questioned the plan you have? Have you even considered that you might be following the wrong plan? Having a plan requires work, hard work. Do you think that you will have to work during your golden years? Most people don't, yet that is becoming the norm for many unskilled workers, the majority of wage earners, and millions who have worked 30 plus years only to find they don't have enough to live on after retirement. Jim Rohn said, "If you find yourself in a little boat with no motor and no oars 300ft.from Niagara Falls, it's over it's already done. You just don't want to find yourself there in such a predicament." So you've got to have a plan. The next few weeks we will learn about marketing which we find to be of great interest to those who follow this blog. For these lessons we will use multiple resources, not just our beautiful mind. Marketing is a very complex somewhat scientific way of giving your business a

Planning,Preparing, and Executing

Happy Memorial Day to all of our wonderful Veterans, who keep our great country," The Land of the Free and home of the Brave. " It was an honor to serve for the 8 years we were enlisted in the U.S. Army.  There were many things that we learned during that time. One of the greatest things that stuck with us was the fact that you could do more than your mind would allow you to believe.  During basic training you are pushed to a breaking point. Once that point is reached you find that you did it and you can actually go beyond that with relative ease. The barrier that you perceived was impossible was a figment of your imagination or the things you were told all of your life up to that point that were not achievable by you.   So let's talk about the 3 steps of getting things done.    Planning, everything begins with a plan. This plan must be written down. If you merely say I'm going to do a thing, life will drag you by your heals and you will be tossed to and fro