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Showing posts with the label development

Are You Progressing Forward?

This is the last week of the second month of 2014, how are things looking for you?  We at   have made great strides and have experienced a few lows, but we've made some adjustments. Learn to be aware of your point of attraction.  What have you been experiencing since this new year began?  Take notice of the things that are moving you forward towards your goals.  Notice whats keeping you stuck or not allowing you to grow. Learn to be swift to change your plan of action if what you are doing is not working.  This is your life experience and if you fear moving forward you have to do more personal development.  This is the key to positive change and growth. We started our current plan of action December 2013, by February 2014 we had to change the plan.  It just doesn't take that long to see where you are and where you want to be and the difference between the two places. Make sure you are giving your all, but also know your value.  If the job you have chosen

Are You Progressing Forward?

This is the last week of the second month of 2014, how are things looking for you?  We at   have made great strides and have experienced a few lows, but we've made some adjustments. Learn to be aware of your point of attraction.  What have you been experiencing since this new year began?  Take notice of the things that are moving you forward towards your goals.  Notice whats keeping you stuck or not allowing you to grow. Learn to be swift to change your plan of action if what you are doing is not working.  This is your life experience and if you fear moving forward you have to do more personal development.  This is the key to positive change and growth. We started our current plan of action December 2013, by February 2014 we had to change the plan.  It just doesn't take that long to see where you are and where you want to be and the difference between the two places. Make sure you are giving your all, but also know your value.  If the job you have chosen

My best Year Ever!!

How will you make this your best year ever?  Start where you are.  This is easy enough.  Next, open your mind to the possibility that you can have your best year ever.  Now what to do next?  Create a plan.  It does not have to be a perfect plan, just some ideas you have about what you want to create for your life this year.   It's the end of January and the beginning of the year 2012, a perfect time to begin what ever you want starting today.    D. S. Woodard Consulting is here to help guide you.  We have a few steps to offer you that can get you started.  1.  Breath, relax, exhale.  This is your life, no one is making you do anything.  Even if you begin  something new like a business, or a new career choice, you will survive.  Until you die there is plenty of time for success and failure(errors).  You can always begin again.  Henry Ford said, " Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." 2.  Look at the things you are naturally good at doing.

My best Year Ever!!

How will you make this your best year ever?  Start where you are.  This is easy enough.  Next, open your mind to the possibility that you can have your best year ever.  Now what to do next?  Create a plan.  It does not have to be a perfect plan, just some ideas you have about what you want to create for your life this year.   It's the end of January and the beginning of the year 2012, a perfect time to begin what ever you want starting today.    D. S. Woodard Consulting is here to help guide you.  We have a few steps to offer you that can get you started.  1.  Breath, relax, exhale.  This is your life, no one is making you do anything.  Even if you begin  something new like a business, or a new career choice, you will survive.  Until you die there is plenty of time for success and failure(errors).  You can always begin again.  Henry Ford said, " Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." 2.  Look at the things you are naturally good at doing.

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a

Practice does not make perfect!

We've heard this all of our lives and we believe what is repeated to us over and over again, "practice makes what?" Well I have news for you, practice does not make perfect. However,practice does make us better. I heard Les Brown say this and I found it to be true. What do the pro's do? They practice all week to win the big game on Sunday. They stretch,they run, they complete drills, they practice making 3-point shots, they practice catching the ball while running full speed towards the end-zone, they practice blocking and guarding against the opponent scoring points. They practice for the big game with one goal in mind,they want to win. As a professional what aspects of what you do are you willing to practice everyday? Do you practice ahead of time how you will greet your customer? Do you practice what specific words you say based on what you know works or do you just say the first thing that comes to your mind? Most businesses you call have practiced a