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Showing posts with the label DSWoodard Consulting

What's Coming In?

Good day all.  Today is great day to become informed.  Most workers in their respective countries engages in some form of service or servitude for a wage.  Most Americans call it income, because we are trained to call it that from the IRS so they can tax it, however it is not income it is a wage.  Income is a compound word that is connotative (deceptive or having more than one meaning). It sounds right, but it's not and with that I will let you do the research to make the conclusion that is fitting to your particular circumstance, while looking it up make sure you also use the etymology online dictionary. As time moves forward, you should learn to know things and stop allowing others to give you their perspective on what things mean.  You will be surprised to find that most of what others teach or tell you is of no real benefit to you or your family's generational wealth or well-being.  I want you to view this movie clip. I recently viewed the movie it was great with an

What's Coming In?

Good day all.  Today is great day to become informed.  Most workers in their respective countries engages in some form of service or servitude for a wage.  Most Americans call it income, because we are trained to call it that from the IRS so they can tax it, however it is not income it is a wage.  Income is a compound word that is connotative (deceptive or having more than one meaning). It sounds right, but it's not and with that I will let you do the research to make the conclusion that is fitting to your particular circumstance, while looking it up make sure you also use the etymology online dictionary. As time moves forward, you should learn to know things and stop allowing others to give you their perspective on what things mean.  You will be surprised to find that most of what others teach or tell you is of no real benefit to you or your family's generational wealth or well-being.  I want you to view this movie clip. I recently viewed the movie it was great with an

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made any adjustments?  The w

Hello June: It's that Mid-Year Check up time again

Hello business leaders.  This is your middle of the year reminder to take an accounting of where you stand both financially and mentally in your endeavors.  Many are now in the happy glow of the beginning of the warm summer months. Don't get fooled as my mentor Jim Rohn would always say.  Get your thoughts together today.  The summer is the worst time of the year, because it can lull you into a place of comfort.  Jim Rohn talked about the ant's philosophy, think winter in the summer or think negative when it's positive.  Summer is the middle of the year, but it's also where most business owners lose.  If sales are up or things are going well during the easy months, which is summer, what are you going to do in the fall and the winter?  That's why you have to have a plan and you can't wait until the time is upon you.  This first week of June is over so what have you learned from last winter, spring, fall and summer?  Have you made any adjustments?  The w

5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability. 

5 Words of Wisdom to your 20 Year Old Self

If you had a chance to speak to your younger self with the wisdom you currently have, what advice would you give you? We'll get to that later in the post, but think about it. The pictures to the left are the countries around the globe and where they stand in entrepreneurship.  Amazing that the U.S. is not first, and Uganda a country on the continent of Africa is the leading country. The not even in the top 40.  I couldn't make this map larger and the makers of the map did not even highlight Africa, but the color coding works like this left to right, 0-1.9% red, 2-2.9% dark orange, 3-3.9% light orange , 4-4.9% yellow, 5-5.9% light green , 6-7.9% yellow green, 8-9.9% teal green, 10-12.9% gray-green, and 13+% purple.  Did you see the U.S. in yellow which is surprising, but not really.   Most Americans are taught to get good grades, so they can get into a good college so that they can get a good paying j.o.b. (Just over broke) with benefits and stability. 

Only Do What Gives you Joy!

Good Evening, this is the beginning of spring and the month is more than half past, it's time to make certain that your plan is working properly. I do an assessment of my progress every 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, but my mentor Jim Rohn suggest that we do an assessment at the end of the day each day, then again at the end of the week each week.  This is wise, because often time moves rapidly and we can get caught up in false momentum, thinking we are reaching our desired goals, only to find out it's been more than 90 days, and is quickly approaching 9 months or a complete year and you have made little progress. Let's hear what the late great Jim Rohn has to say. If you watched that you have a good idea of what to do next.  If you are doing anything but something you love, you are wasting your moments.  You are not being productive.  I love when he say's "don't wish it was easy, wish you were better, don't wish for less problems, wish for more skil

Only Do What Gives you Joy!

Good Evening, this is the beginning of spring and the month is more than half past, it's time to make certain that your plan is working properly. I do an assessment of my progress every 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, but my mentor Jim Rohn suggest that we do an assessment at the end of the day each day, then again at the end of the week each week.  This is wise, because often time moves rapidly and we can get caught up in false momentum, thinking we are reaching our desired goals, only to find out it's been more than 90 days, and is quickly approaching 9 months or a complete year and you have made little progress. Let's hear what the late great Jim Rohn has to say. If you watched that you have a good idea of what to do next.  If you are doing anything but something you love, you are wasting your moments.  You are not being productive.  I love when he say's "don't wish it was easy, wish you were better, don't wish for less problems, wish for more skil

Can You Press through?

Good morning.  We are getting into our year rather quickly.  As business owners and executive employees we have to constantly remind ourselves what it is we do.  I have new members of the High Achiever's Academy and it is awesome. This month we will get back to the beginning of planing our businesses.  That means creating a business plan. It will take a few post, but we will get it done. The DS Woodard Consulting Group will be coming out with a new format by the months end.  There will be a short post for those who happen upon the page and there will be a small membership fee for complete access.  I think $1.25 per week is doable.  I appreciate the support of the blog, but I am converting it to you will still be able to reach it the same way but it will integrate with my web page. How do you get to this image and open your business?  You have to start with a plan.  We have been here before, but with so many new High Achiever's in the academy I have to

Can You Press through?

Good morning.  We are getting into our year rather quickly.  As business owners and executive employees we have to constantly remind ourselves what it is we do.  I have new members of the High Achiever's Academy and it is awesome. This month we will get back to the beginning of planing our businesses.  That means creating a business plan. It will take a few post, but we will get it done. The DS Woodard Consulting Group will be coming out with a new format by the months end.  There will be a short post for those who happen upon the page and there will be a small membership fee for complete access.  I think $1.25 per week is doable.  I appreciate the support of the blog, but I am converting it to you will still be able to reach it the same way but it will integrate with my web page. How do you get to this image and open your business?  You have to start with a plan.  We have been here before, but with so many new High Achiever's in the academy I have to

3 Ways to Make this your Best Year

Welcome 2017 we are deep into the 21st century and enjoying its fruits.  There are many things that you can do to create your best year, but here are 3 things that you can do this year and shine. Step One:  Learn something new.  Take a course in something you always wanted to learn, do or know.  Don't use the excuse of "I don't have any money, time or interest."  If you do there is no way you will have your best year.  Step Two: Stop believing that someone else is creating your destiny.  You are the creator of your life, based on your thoughts and beliefs.  There are many factors that control how you create.  No one is making you do anything, you are simply making choices in each moment that agree or disagree with that which you desire to be, do, or have. Step Three: Give to someone or something that will benefit others, without any thought for receiving in return.  If you don't have a cause find a cause or create a cause that benefits others.  I

3 Ways to Make this your Best Year

Welcome 2017 we are deep into the 21st century and enjoying its fruits.  There are many things that you can do to create your best year, but here are 3 things that you can do this year and shine. Step One:  Learn something new.  Take a course in something you always wanted to learn, do or know.  Don't use the excuse of "I don't have any money, time or interest."  If you do there is no way you will have your best year.  Step Two: Stop believing that someone else is creating your destiny.  You are the creator of your life, based on your thoughts and beliefs.  There are many factors that control how you create.  No one is making you do anything, you are simply making choices in each moment that agree or disagree with that which you desire to be, do, or have. Step Three: Give to someone or something that will benefit others, without any thought for receiving in return.  If you don't have a cause find a cause or create a cause that benefits others.  I

3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I don't lose

3 Things Donald Trump can Teach You?

This is the United States of America's President -elect, Mr. Donald Trump. If you have followed my writing and teachings you will find that I have written about Donald Trump the business man. I know that many are currently in awe and disbelief of the current events of last month's presidential election.  I'm really not sure what everyone is so up in arms about?  The country has been run by an African American for the last 8 years and most things have not changed from the status quo.  I've been around for quite some time and not much was changed in the two terms that President Obama was the Commander and Chief or any other president before him which leads me to believe that there are others who are in charge and one man or woman is not the true leader of this country.  However, I want to use the way Donald Trump operates as a business leader to share with you on how you can become successful.  Step 1 Focus " My whole life is about winning. I don't lose

August the beginning of the Reaping Season

Good afternoon. August is the time you will start to see real progress for the things you have sown in 2016 since January.  You will begin to feel more confident about what you are doing once this happens.  Now you know that you can teach others what you have done which increases your reach.  The goal as a business leader is to create time freedom, not a job that you own.  The difference is in the beginning you do have to commit many hours of labor, and love into building your business and you are the business, but if you continue to be there and the business can't run without you then you just own a job.   That will never allow you the time freedom that is necessary to create a lifestyle for yourself and your family that gives your life meaning and purpose.  They do not teach this in the school systems.  This is what most people learn after a lifetime of slave labor for a job that has no real reward for them in their golden years.  This is enough for today, keep track of

August the beginning of the Reaping Season

Good afternoon. August is the time you will start to see real progress for the things you have sown in 2016 since January.  You will begin to feel more confident about what you are doing once this happens.  Now you know that you can teach others what you have done which increases your reach.  The goal as a business leader is to create time freedom, not a job that you own.  The difference is in the beginning you do have to commit many hours of labor, and love into building your business and you are the business, but if you continue to be there and the business can't run without you then you just own a job.   That will never allow you the time freedom that is necessary to create a lifestyle for yourself and your family that gives your life meaning and purpose.  They do not teach this in the school systems.  This is what most people learn after a lifetime of slave labor for a job that has no real reward for them in their golden years.  This is enough for today, keep track of

Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome. I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people. I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just a ste

Time Changes Things

Things are always changing. As time moves things, places, circumstances, and events change.  The noise that is our life allows us to experience a multitude of opportunities. Growth is always a challenge, but once you take the step out on the limb, faith steps in and grants you the desired outcome. I am so proud of the people of color of America. It is so scary to challenge the establishment, and not for something that has happened to you, but for some other human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I am also proud of the many Americans, and our brothers and sisters of all races and other countries who also join our movement and feel our pain, and seek justice for all races.  You too have proven that if we come together for any purpose together our strength has the ability to move mountains, and create change that is for the common good of all people. I see change and I see communities being born. I see Dr. King's dream becoming a reality. I know it's just a ste